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Ramses II Model

polycounter lvl 18
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HAWK polycounter lvl 18
Hi people,

Here are some work in progress pics of my current model that I am working on. It is a model of Ramses II in his war gear. I am also planning on making his war chariot too. But I want to finish this model off first before I move onto that. So could you tell me how it is looking so far plz? Thanks.




  • Zeldrik
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    Zeldrik polycounter lvl 18
    Face looks good, his body might be a bit wide in the front view.
  • HAWK
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    HAWK polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    his body might be a bit wide in the front view.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    DOH!!...You are totally right, his body does look wide, here is an updated pic:

  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    I have to say that in the arms and legs it looks like you have a few edge rings that are doing nothing to the shape of the appendage except upping the polygon count. If you look at the calves in the front view, there are divisions there that are making no difference to the shape.

    its impossible to make EVERY vertex count, but I'd say that some are being wasted there when they could be shaping the model.
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 20
    I'm with Rick. I think the model is a bit wasteful in the polys, but you have a nice shape and good looking character there. Just optimize him a bit. 8-)
  • HAWK
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    HAWK polycounter lvl 18
    Crap, that is the one thing that I did not want to hear. I hate trying to optimize a model. In my defence, I decided to give the arms and legs a few more rings so that when it came time to rigging the character up it would be more animation friendly, well at least that is my attempt. Anyway, I will try to optimize him a bit more and work on definition a bit more too. Anyway, thanks for your help guys.
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    Dont optimise, just make the verts you have work for their money.
  • HAWK
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    HAWK polycounter lvl 18
    Ok here’s a quick update of Ramses war horse:


    I have been pretty busy this week and over the weekend, having to juggle between two jobs and doing this work on the side. So forgive me if I seem a little slow. Anyway, the horse is pretty much finished, but need opinions on stuff that I may have not noticed. Ok, I am going to make a start on the chariot now.
  • HAWK
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    HAWK polycounter lvl 18
    Hi, here is a small update. It’s not much but I have been quite busy the past two weeks and also I have been helping out doing some artwork for a Rome: Total War mod. Anyway, I would love to hear what people think of my model so far. I need to add a quiver onto the chariot and a few minor things, but what are people’s general thoughts on the look of the chariot, and also the horse model?



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