Hi people,
Here are some work in progress pics of my current model that I am working on. It is a model of Ramses II in his war gear. I am also planning on making his war chariot too. But I want to finish this model off first before I move onto that. So could you tell me how it is looking so far plz? Thanks.

his body might be a bit wide in the front view.
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DOH!!...You are totally right, his body does look wide, here is an updated pic:
its impossible to make EVERY vertex count, but I'd say that some are being wasted there when they could be shaping the model.
I have been pretty busy this week and over the weekend, having to juggle between two jobs and doing this work on the side. So forgive me if I seem a little slow. Anyway, the horse is pretty much finished, but need opinions on stuff that I may have not noticed. Ok, I am going to make a start on the chariot now.