Heh, Shows you, Glasses are apparantly the in thing, there actaully more the less jewelry now than something for partially blind people. I know a kid who wears non-perscription glasses purely for the look.
Robert, You leave my tiny chin beard alone!
/me strokes little chin beard
Bwahah, Nerd Groupie... people mistake me for somone ten years younger than I am. It's good and bad!
FAT_CAP -- I "paid to know what I really think" a long time ago, now where do I pay to forget it?!? Most folks have forgotten about 'Bob', but I have a feeling that current trends in US Govt may give him the postmillenial comeback opportunity of a lifetime, or two. PRAISE 'BOB'.
Rob Coleman, Animation Director at Industrial Light and Magic, who did the animation direction for: Star Wars ep 1,2,3, Men in Black II and The Mask visited our school to give a lecture. (Don't mind me, Bad hair, Bad face, Bad camera day I guess)
Here's a decent scan off my crappy work ID so none of you accidentally hire me.
Note how happy I am at just becoming gainfully employed...
*smiles on the inside*
ah! damn it, i did it again! sorry for diggin up two old threads. i browse the boards through the who's online option and look at threads other people are looking at, look at their websites, etc. sometimes people will be looking at really old threads and lately i just haven't being paying attention enough to look at the dates before posting like a newb. sorry again.
Robert, You leave my tiny chin beard alone!
/me strokes little chin beard
...in the background...too bad all the "pinks" wont know what Im blabbering about...mwahahahahahah.
FAT_CAP -- I "paid to know what I really think" a long time ago, now where do I pay to forget it?!? Most folks have forgotten about 'Bob', but I have a feeling that current trends in US Govt may give him the postmillenial comeback opportunity of a lifetime, or two. PRAISE 'BOB'.
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No way. Eugene Levy, with a dash of Harold Ramis.
My halloween costume and what I wore to the RenFair. My mom and pug are in the right picture.
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i don't see it.
Great costume.
Lovely pictures everyone
Poops mum is HOT!!!
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You should see her naked!
- BoBo
and I'm putting this one back up (again clockwise) poop, Martinez, Dark Horizon, The_Bird
and an oldie but goodie ALPHAwolf, Ken Scott, and myself from about 5/6 years ago:
- BoBo
almost didn't recognize you.
looks like you lost quite a bit of weight Bobo.
[/ QUOTE ]
He's making progress from an Al Borland, to a Tim Allen.
I was doing drawing refrences found one i wanted to share.
Well i can hold a pen with it both ways, so yeah i guess so.
Nice nose hair, tho.
God zero's tongue is great, I can lick the tip of my nose with mine and hold screwdrivers in the rolled up position.
Arco your 2nd pic looks like some ugly chic is hitting on you.
BTW your place looks just like mine, same everything except for the microwave is above the stove.
thegodzilla rar!
nonchalant nut grab of the roomate
left to right: wade (fatattatat), evan, me
beer with game design fanatic
friend ben and me
greg's stoner wallaby
roxy (rip) and me
i actually pooped my pants in this picture just before my head exploded. i'm okay now.
jam session
I´m going to be a bit ruthless here and post some bigger pics
Shimmer before we went to the gamesconvention
For Poop
Shimmer and me with the producer of Saint's Row. Friendly guy, thanked us for the work we did on the game
Me at my former employer
Another game where shimmer created some magic.
Me not to long ago at home.
oh that volition producer pictures is soooooo nerdy.
Me, doing the 2 most important stuff: Looking at characters and drinking beer.
2 more
A poor try to capture Saints Row
Another we took for Ben ... we love you man
Here I am in NYC with some childhood friends, left to right:
Richard, Danny, Me
And early in the morning at the studio in SD
Left: Rob Coleman, Right: me
And one more, with the man himself:
Note how happy I am at just becoming gainfully employed...
*smiles on the inside*
and here I am juggling, whee!
Man, did you just photoshop a picture of yourself, so you'd look smoother?
Here's one of me, at Dour festival:
I'm the one without breasts.