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Something I have been working on.

polycounter lvl 18
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Vorge polycounter lvl 18
Hey everyone. Glad to see the forums are up in some way or another... anyway, been a while since I posted anything so thought I might share, and get some feedback on what I'm doing.

My school's production team is doing a zombie game, and yours truly is the Zombie Mastah in this case. I did a base mesh, 1500 ish polys so we can have a ton on screen at once to be chewed up by Tommy Gun fire, which should be fun. Anyways, base with 1024, variant textures for hair, clothing, etc will be on 512s as well as alternate faces for getting rid of mirrored textures. So, here it is.


and some wires...


Anyone like, don't like? By the way, textures are mostly photosourced due to the requirements to stay in style of the game, tho I have snuck some painting in there.. mwhaha.. ninja painter. Maybe when I feel less lazy I will do something of my own, till then.. smile.gif



  • Vorge
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    Vorge polycounter lvl 18
    Should probably add in that it's not finished, and it's a wip due to constantly being asked to change the style from realistic to more anime, to back to realistic... sigh.. anyway, I would love some comments and crits.

    Much love.

  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Looks pretty good. I personally think he's looking a little too chubby for a zombie, especially around the wrists/hands and ankles/feet area.

    You could probably optimise the head mesh a little more, and I reckon the shoulders could be a little more rounded, they're sharp and angular at the moment.

    Also, I don't think there's a need for a 1024 texture there - you say you're gonna have a lot of them on screen at once, I reckon it'll look near identical at 512x512 for the base texture, and it'll take up 4x less texture memory = more zombies with less performance hit!
    I still think 1024x1024 textures are unneccessary in most games unless you're gonna have extreme closeups with loads of detail, or the character is physically very large.
    Looks like a pretty solid base for more variants though.

    Definitely optimise the head and add more polys to the shoulders though, it will increase the efficiency and quality of the model.

  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 19
    I'm with mop. He is far too smooth. Gives him the impression of wearing a fabric zombie suit instead of actually having rotten skin. 1024 definately seems overkill. If I were you I would also spread some that poly love from his head out to the rest of him. It also looks like his arms might be too short.
  • Vorge
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    Vorge polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks for all the replies. And to answer some questions.. the texture sizes arent my choosing. The lead wants to use a 1024, so, thats what I textured him on. And I see what you mean about the chunks and all that, I will put more work into that.
    Also, for the sharp shoulders, thats part of the "anime style" I am trying to convey with the mesh, since the game is based off some crap tokyo pop comic book. So not much I can really do about the shoulders without loosing the style and not getting yelled at by my professors.

    I will work on the skin, it's sort of hard with no reference, been watching a lot of zombie movies, but still.. hard. Anyways, thanks guys. And any links or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    He has no cock.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    He could use some ears, or at least the sugestion as to where ears might have been when he was less zombified.

    As for references, you might do well to get yourself some human references, then just work up the ickyness from there.

    Have you got a picture of the original comic that we could be looking at?
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Good model. Good skin. They just don't go together. As poopinmymouth said he looks like someone wearing a zombie suit. Zombies tend to have open wounds, missing parts of (for example) their leg. Chunks of their head missing, etc. Also, his expression isn't scary/dead enough to be a zombie.

    Good job on the hipbones :P
  • flachdrache
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    flachdrache polycounter lvl 18
    Like the hands but imo the feet are a little too round.
    As for reference take a look around for the resident evil comics, they are a good inspiration and somewhere between the romeros "blueskin" and Lucio Fulchi "sandpaperskin" zombies.

    hth, JT
    (cough - //refactory.free.fr/screen/re0/art_zombie.jpg:)
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