Leiji Masamoto & Daft Punk The Combined Musical and Artistic Abilities created The Interstellar Space Opera "Interstealla 5555". The Idea has been formulated and Is just a cut and paste from ElseForum,
The idea: To build up from where the last video left off at (No Spoilers Go D/L them to see what I mean) last part I saw was our hero crashing landing on the planet after folowing the ion trail left by the evil recording producer /CEO.
The basis will be guiding our Hero to rescuing the Kidnapped Band members. While doing this you(The Pilot) have to gather certain items to help the band members one by one regain thier memories by infiltrating the BIG BOSS's Main Data storage facility and grabbing thier orignal memories and eventually going thru the "procedure" to help you and the band escape from Terra 34 and back home thru the Gate Portal.
The Band before the kidnapping.
The Band After Mindwipe and Reprgrming.
(Even the Duo makes a appearance)
We are in "need" of:
1 to 2 Mappers
1 Model/Skin Creator
1 Coder
We have currently:
Music Engineering
Public Relations
Conception Art
Story Scripter.
Any Questions? We do have One Intrested "and" Talented person already inquirying on wanting to help us out with this and am just waiting on his reply back to me. But This is not a "BIG" team project should only take a few people to do. I'm just hoping there would be enough of a response to this.
(Please if you do not have "any" thing to contibute to the postings, .... don't post please? Just want those would show interest and a postive attitude towards working with teamwork and fun.)
Thank you!
Signed ...well Me of course.
Lejii Masamoto amd Daft punk created a Space Opera like OVA one shot dvd which recieved quite a welcome response and was quite a hit on mtv and in europe. Daft Punk made thier announceed thier new music vids for their Discovery album. These videos are of note to anime fans across the world for the fact that they were created by Leiji Matsumoto, the creator of series such as Captain Harlock Galaxy Express 999 and who could forget Queen Emeraldas. The 1st video, "One More Time," features our alien rock band jazzing out and no dialogue. "One More Time" ended with the invaders using stealth like skills to infiltratethe band's planet and bypass thier planetary defenses during the band's concert. Afterwards during the 2nd video, "Aerodynamic," these invaders ruined and then kidnapped the band. Then with the 3rd Video "Digital Love" Our Hero who is in love with the band's guitarist, picks up the distress signals from the planetary defense base and races to find his beloved kidnapped. W/o any regard for his own safety, he goes in pursiut after the kidnappers, who are bound for terra. the 4th Video, "Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger" shows the "humanization.BrainWiping" process of the band on Earth before being presented to the populas.
Then there was a hang in the air. Obviously there was a story here. What were the aliens being made to pose and think they were human? The Question was when would we see the rest of this Space Opera? Sensei Matusmoto and Daft Punk had been hard at work, Interstella 5555 just didn't finish this story but contained the 1st 4 Videos in their perspective order. The plot here - is an exillirating one. While a few aspects of the narrative seem a little clich
So you want to remake the story? Because, if you didn't know, the story IS complete and is available on DVD: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=2391
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Yea, I know... I was referring to a possible game play type of ver of the story. Oo.....