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Writing tablets

polycounter lvl 19
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SideEffect polycounter lvl 19
From all the things I've seen posted here it looks like getting a tablet is the only way to go. I've done some research and it seems like the best one out there is a Wacom. I want to get a 6x8 one but I'm not sure if I should get the Graphire 3 or the Intuos 3. Do you guys think spending the extra $100 is worth it? What's the major differences between the two? I've just been thinkin if I'm going to spend a lot of money anyway might as well not end up with crap. Thanks in advance.


  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    The Graphire original used to be quite good, actually. I had one up until very recently when I changed to an Intuos2.
    My friend has a Graphire3, and they are not as good as the original one - the drivers are less functional, and the tablet itself has less features (no eraser tip on the end of the pen).
    If you're very serious about digital painting, texturing and maybe ZBrush modelling too, and you have the money to spare, I'd recommend going for the Intuos. Wacom build very sturdy tablets that last a long time, so if you plan on using one every day (I do), then you'll want the best quality you can get, I reckon.
    That said, there's nothing wrong with starting on a Graphire3, it's definitely a huge advantage over a mouse, but in a year or two if you're doing digital art a lot you will probably want to upgrade it.
    Whichever tablet you choose, you won't end up with "crap", though - so it's up to you!

  • Snowfly
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    Snowfly polycounter lvl 18
    Correction, the graphire3 does have an eraser tip. I used to do a lot of traditional painting, and the g3 suits me fine. I have two, in fact, on two computers. I've never used an Intuos so I can't make a comparison.
  • Fordy
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    Fordy polycounter lvl 18
    I have a Graphire 2 which at first I thought might be a bit too small for anything really useful but that turned out to be unfounded. I suppose if you have the money to burn go for the Intuos but the Graphire makes a great starter tablet.
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    I have a graphire 1 4x5 at work for painting textures, it great! At home I have a intuous 1 for painting textures and it does not seem as good, the graphire pen at work seems to track better and there is less jiggling when painting precision pixels. I haven't tried anything newer since neither of these tablets has failed yet.
  • Fabool
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    Intuos 2s are going for half-Price at the moment with the upcoming release of the Intuos 3. Get yourself a good sized one of those.
  • Herr-Maestro
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    Herr-Maestro polycounter lvl 18
    *hugs* his Wacom 9x12 Tablet.... still retails out at $400 + New w/o the mouse.


    Something I did awhile back....
  • Zeldrik
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    Zeldrik polycounter lvl 18
    I use a Graphire 3 at home and the intuos 2 at work, and although I can tell the difference the Graphire still does me well.
  • Scott Ruggels
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    Scott Ruggels polycounter lvl 18
    Wacom Intuos. There is no other alternative.

  • Neo_God
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    Neo_God polycounter lvl 18
    I got a refurbished 4x5 Graphire 2 about 2 years ago for about $65. It works fine, although , have never used an intuos, what are the differences? I mean, I'm still perfectly happy with the whole concept of a pressure sensitve pen.
  • jzero
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    jzero polycounter lvl 18
    The main difference between Graphire and Intuos is the levels of pressure sensitivity, i.e. 512 vs 1024. As in twice as sensitive. The only way to appreciate it is to see for yourself, so if you're too poor, stick with Graphire and blissful ignorance.

    /jzero <-- went from UD-1212 to Intuous 2 (!!!!)
  • SideEffect
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    SideEffect polycounter lvl 19
    hey thanks a lot everyone, I saved up some more to get the Intuos 3 6x8. This thing is very nice I love the control, can't believe I've been using the mouse for so long. Thanks again!
  • Snowfly
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    Snowfly polycounter lvl 18
    congratulations, you are the envy of the town
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