Looks cool but I wish they would have modernized Vader's suit. I understand it's for the tie in and what not but the big blocky chest buttons are just too retro. I remember seeing some concept a while ago of someone doing a modernization of the suit. It looked incredible and was more streamlined with a smaller head piece.
Looks..strange. Not Ep I or II, but not Ep IV,V or VI either.
I'm not saying anything else about this until I see the whole movie, the teaser felt odd though.
Although who cares? I'll be getting the art of- book anyway, be it crap or not Hope they throw a huge making of- on the dvd as well.
looks great. thanks for the link. Man, I do hope this is the best yet. From what I've read from early screenings or such on theforce.net, the fans that have seen an incomplete cut are putting it right behind ESB. That sounds good to me.
Whatever else anyone wants to say about George Lucas, he damned sure puts out cool movie trailers!
How about Anakin with the Darth Maul eyeballs... I guess that must be some sort of Sith thing, looking forward to hearing it explained. And though I'd already read about it before, the 'rise' of Vader sequence is freaking awesome. Emperor is freaking creepy, too.
Heh - also just noticed that's C-3PO and R2-D2 on the Tantive IV (or a nearly identical ship). Interesting bit of symmetry there, if the film concludes around that scene.
More edits! In the scene with Mace, he's getting ready to drop the hammer on someone in Palpatine's office (you can see the office decor behind him. Mace vs. Sidious? Is that how he goes out?
Woot! Early model X-Wing and TIE fighter deisgns! Frame-by-frame viewing with Quicktime rocks!
hehe, the early x-wing and ties are sweet looking. As for mace vs. sidious, I guess thats the "bad mother******" that Sam Jackson wanted to be killed by in the final film. Also, read something about a dead Royal Guard at 1:19 in the trailer. You can't really see much, but I'm hoping Yoda tears some shit up before facing off with whomever.
Because it's swiped from the hyperspace-portition of the official site, which is for registered (paying) people only. Probably on Apple next week.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah, I think it's pretty lame that you need to pay to get the latest scoop on the SW movies. If you're interested in these details that Hyperspace is offering than that means that you're a fan who has very likely made uncle George enough money already buying the toys, games, books, video/dvd's and movie tickets. I know I have
rumour is he fights none other than the emperor himself. SLJ is supposedly fighting the naughty little moppet
[/ QUOTE ]
It's gotta be, watch the video. Mace is deifnitely in Palpatine's chamber, as I mentioned above, and in the later scene of him slashing down there's a brief flash from a red saber. Anakin's is still blue at this point, and I can't think of any reason why Count Dooku would be in Palpatine's audience chamber. Sidious vs. Mace for teh win!!!!11
Oh sweet love!
I will sure as hell get my hopes up! You know why? I didn't think Eps I n' II were a disappointment. Though this movie looks so damn nice. Hardly reflects that crappy ass poster they have out right now.
mishra: as funny as you think your avatar is, some of us are on modems and dont like to spend a while downloading a 318kb haha-i-made-you-think-it-was-porn avatar :P
I do believe this movie is going to be very schweet! Damn, I still remember what my life was like when I watched Episode I in theatres. Seems like so long ago.
How about Anakin with the Darth Maul eyeballs... I guess that must be some sort of Sith thing, looking forward to hearing it explained.
[/ QUOTE ]
Then it won't be. Just as the 'force ghost' thing won't be, even though George said it would (why didn't Qui-Gon dissapear, why was his voice heard when Anakin went nuts on the Sand People...all things George said would be explained, and according to someone that's seen a cut of the film, all ignored).
I have completely spoiled EP1 and EP2 for myself, so I'm not going to do it for EP3. I still don't know a whole lot about the movie other than the predicatables outcomes, and that the wookies are in it. I'm really tempted to get the trailer but hmm I might try and hold out lol! I'd love to be able to walk into the theater without having seen one bit of the film!
I am so with you Frank... I can't wait for this movie to be released, so I can see it and then end this horror. Aside from some fancy special effects stuff, I thought ep1 & 2 were awful, and I hate Lucas for going back and screwing up eps 4-6 with shitty CGI... yet Star Wars has such a pull on me that I can't resist watching these when they come out. I know I can't avoid it, so let's just get this over with
[quote Star Wars has such a pull on me that I can't resist watching these when they come out. I know I can't avoid it, so let's just get this over with
[/ QUOTE ]
thats what lucas knows, the die hard fans will see it no mater how stupid, and the new kids will love it for the cute funny characters and the fancy explosions, and then buy the toys, its a win win situation for him
I know i will see it, although I am not expecting lots from it
I AM expecting lots from this one......that little fuck Lucas owes me big time. He has ruined the Star Wars universe with episodes 1 and 2. If he doesn't please me with this one, I will personllay fly down to San Francisco and shit down his flappy throat.
Here's hoping EPIII is dark enough.
I'm not saying anything else about this until I see the whole movie, the teaser felt odd though.
Although who cares? I'll be getting the art of- book anyway, be it crap or not
How about Anakin with the Darth Maul eyeballs... I guess that must be some sort of Sith thing, looking forward to hearing it explained. And though I'd already read about it before, the 'rise' of Vader sequence is freaking awesome. Emperor is freaking creepy, too.
Heh - also just noticed that's C-3PO and R2-D2 on the Tantive IV (or a nearly identical ship). Interesting bit of symmetry there, if the film concludes around that scene.
More edits! In the scene with Mace, he's getting ready to drop the hammer on someone in Palpatine's office (you can see the office decor behind him. Mace vs. Sidious? Is that how he goes out?
Woot! Early model X-Wing and TIE fighter deisgns! Frame-by-frame viewing with Quicktime rocks!
capital ship battles!!
Because it's swiped from the hyperspace-portition of the official site, which is for registered (paying) people only. Probably on Apple next week.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah, I think it's pretty lame that you need to pay to get the latest scoop on the SW movies. If you're interested in these details that Hyperspace is offering than that means that you're a fan who has very likely made uncle George enough money already buying the toys, games, books, video/dvd's and movie tickets. I know I have
rumour is he fights none other than the emperor himself. SLJ is supposedly fighting the naughty little moppet
[/ QUOTE ]
It's gotta be, watch the video. Mace is deifnitely in Palpatine's chamber, as I mentioned above, and in the later scene of him slashing down there's a brief flash from a red saber. Anakin's is still blue at this point, and I can't think of any reason why Count Dooku would be in Palpatine's audience chamber. Sidious vs. Mace for teh win!!!!11
And then Yoda vs. Douku and Anakin vs. Obi-Wan! Gonna be loads of saberfighting!
yoda kills dooku, palpatine kills mace, obi-wan beats anakin
like a jello mold.
not letting myself get to excited if you cant tell
That's got ep3 shit galore.
I will sure as hell get my hopes up! You know why? I didn't think Eps I n' II were a disappointment. Though this movie looks so damn nice. Hardly reflects that crappy ass poster they have out right now.
but hell i'll be seeing it in theaters too.
trailer is good too
The first screenies of a EP3 game have bene released...
I know ... the SW movie games weren't all that good but I buy them anyways. Although Ep1 Racer ws pretty cool.
How about Anakin with the Darth Maul eyeballs... I guess that must be some sort of Sith thing, looking forward to hearing it explained.
[/ QUOTE ]
Then it won't be. Just as the 'force ghost' thing won't be, even though George said it would (why didn't Qui-Gon dissapear, why was his voice heard when Anakin went nuts on the Sand People...all things George said would be explained, and according to someone that's seen a cut of the film, all ignored).
The LS fights will rock; the rest will suck.
"Look not for hope; it has forsaken these lands."
Frank the Avenger
The LS fights will rock; the rest will suck.
"Look not for hope; it has forsaken these lands."
[/ QUOTE ]
I am so with you Frank... I can't wait for this movie to be released, so I can see it and then end this horror. Aside from some fancy special effects stuff, I thought ep1 & 2 were awful, and I hate Lucas for going back and screwing up eps 4-6 with shitty CGI... yet Star Wars has such a pull on me that I can't resist watching these when they come out. I know I can't avoid it, so let's just get this over with
[/ QUOTE ]
thats what lucas knows, the die hard fans will see it no mater how stupid, and the new kids will love it for the cute funny characters and the fancy explosions, and then buy the toys, its a win win situation for him
I know i will see it, although I am not expecting lots from it
Besides, its the sentiment here that counts. Heck I'll greet you at the airport Nutsy, drive you up there and hold him down! ;-)
Damnit, we're all a bunch of vertexes, lines and splines...