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I hate maya...

polycounter lvl 18
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Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
So I just got a new job and I have to learn maya, and Im having the most frustrating time learning to do the most elementary things, like target weld vertices. Can maya just not handle this?! do I actually have to weld two vertices,let maya compute the average postiton and then go in and manually move the vert to where I want it? From what I see yes. Man maya blows. I miss you max.
anyways Im gonna keep posting all the hate for maya that is swelling within my heart. If any pro maya want to defend their software of choice and want to perhaps qwell my growing hatred with some helpful hints, Im all ears. mad.gif


  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    Wings3D is incapable of welding vertices. At first it was tricky, but if you're great a geometry, there's quick way around it. Point being, target welding vertices isn't the most useful too. You can live without it. But, if it's too difficult for you to "manually" move a vertex, maybe you're in the wrong profession. I'm not completely defending Maya, because I don't use it atm.

    It's great that Max is suitable for you. But I left the Max application because of it's tendency to randomly break vertices. I want my meshes to be solid.
  • NoSeRider
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    NoSeRider polycounter lvl 18
    Fuck it. Put it in Milkshape and weld the vertices. Then put it back in Maya.

    So people will laugh at u. Fuck'm.


    Actually you can weld vertices in Maya.....if u look at those tutorials.
  • HellMark
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    HellMark polycounter lvl 18
    Maya has no target weld. I use two different merge verts settings in my shelf with different strengths. One that will merge verts based on their average distance from each other no matter their location and one that will only merge verts in very close proxmity. I've grown pretty fond of snaping verts using "V" and then merging. Using the repeat key "G" is also very nice when needing to merge more than once.

    I have a love for both Max and Maya but I have to admit I love Maya's snap control over Max's. Give it some time and I think Maya will grow on you.
  • FunkaDelicDass
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    FunkaDelicDass polycounter lvl 18
    Go into vertex mode (F9), select one of the verts you want to weld, go to your move manipulator (W), hold down V (hotkey to toggle snaps), and move the vert over the one you want to weld it to. Select both verts (if you go to display - heads up display - polycount, you'll get the nice numbers on the upper left that will tell you how many verts/faces/edges you have selected; it's useful). Now hold control + alt + shift and go to Edit Polygons - Merge Vertices. Those two verts should become one, and you'll have a shelf icon for the merge verts command, so next time you want to merge verts, just click that button.

    Thats sounds like a ton of steps, but once you get used to the flow, it's fast. Maya's strengths lie in what you can't really see at first: hotkeys and customizeable shelves. If you have any other questions, just post em in 2D/3D discussion, and I'm sure one of many maya users here will help you out.

    Edit: oops, HellMark beat me to it. But look, we're here to help!
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    Oh how novel, another 'Maya blows' thread! smile.gif

    People never quite get this, but Maya is exactly what you want it to be.

    Target weld mel code:


    - emulates the behaviour of the 3dsMax tool - snap selected
    vertex to location of a second vert, and weld/merge them.

    Campbell Strong 9/02 4.0 > 02/03 4.5

    - invoke the tool with "targetWeld" proc (stick it in a shelf
    button, hotkey, MMenu).

    - follow help line prompts:
    - select a single vertex initially,
    - followed by the second vertex which will be
    snapped and merged/welded to.
    - or simply shift select to weld last weld to
    new target.

    - the tool will error if you select a multiplicity of points at
    any selection stage:
    -->tool is geared for quickly snaping one vert to one, unbroken
    by pressing enter, you dont get the 'multiple pnts all snapping to
    one' functionality. just shift-select your 'multiple pnts' one by one
    into one, then take them to their destinatn (its quick). if you've got
    a whole bunch (>~10), where selectn is drags, do distance merge (or
    jig this script if you use that a lot, of just have large dist merge on
    a MM).

    - merge vertices does not work across independent meshes,
    they should be combined.

    - if you cant see pnts on your mesh at any pnt, like if you return to the
    tool via 'last tool'/y or in toolBox rather than by a targetWeld call,
    simply RMB->vrts them back to visibility.

    - if your on running prior to 4.5, you'll need to comment out some of
    the functionality that has been added, its just below, line 59.


    global proc targetWeld()
    if (!`scriptCtx -exists snapWeld`){
    -t "Weld Verts"
    -tss 1
    -fcs "vrtSnapAndWeld($Selection1)"
    -esl 1
    -snp " Select FIRST, singular, vtx to snap and weld to a second, of shift select for SECOND w last weld as first"
    -ssp " Select SECOND, singular, vtx to snap and weld to"
    -sat 1
    -ssc 2
    -sac 1
    -pv 1

    -euc 0

    // maya 4.5 specific additions, comment "//" out if your on 4.0 (just like this line).
    -tct "edit"
    -ts "$sel = `ls -sl -dag -typ mesh`; select -cl; for ($se in $sel) doMenuComponentSelection($se, \"pv\");"
    // end 4.5 specific additions


    $sel = `ls -sl -dag -typ mesh`;
    select -cl;
    for ($se in $sel)
    doMenuComponentSelection($se, "pv");
    setToolTo snapWeld;


    global proc vrtSnapAndWeld(string $sel[])
    undo; string $fst[] = `ls -sl -fl -type float3`;
    string $scnd[] = stringArrayRemove($fst, $sel);
    if (size($fst) == 1){
    float $p[] = `pointPosition -w $scnd`;
    move -ws $p[0] $p[1] $p[2] $fst;
    polyMergeVertex -d 0.0001 -ch 0 $fst $scnd;
    } else {
    warning " ** More than one pnt initially selected to snap and weld to, start selectn again (you may have coincident vrts) ** ";
    select -cl;
    setToolTo snapWeld;
  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
    hahahah. Thanks for the sympathy smile.gif
    It's just frustrating to be so fast at one program and know it like the back of your hand, then get put at square one again. Daz, thanks for the script. Im giving maya a chance.
  • Faucet
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    Faucet polycounter lvl 18
    I usually just move all the verts to the target verts using the V button to snap. After moving all the verts in place I select the whole model and click the merge verts with a tolerance of .0001 button on my shelf.

    Really, moving verts takes the same amount of time as target welding (if you Hold V while the move tool is selected, you can middle-click on the target vert and it'll snap right to it. then selecting the model and clicking a button takes less than a second.

    Keep in mind these are different programs with different tools. I was a MAX user too and hated Maya for a couple months, but had to learn it. Now I find MAX limiting and clunky. I'm sure if I were to start using it again for a few month I'd get the MAX workflow down and learn to love it.

    There are plenty of things you can do in Maya that you either can't do or are a right pain in the ass to do in MAX and there are plenty of things you can do in MAX that you either can't do or are a right pain in the ass to do in Maya.
  • JKMakowka
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    JKMakowka polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Wings3D is incapable of welding vertices.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Not true, Wings3d is a volume based programm, so there are no (true) one sided surfaces, but it can weld vertexes, as long as the new shape forms a volume. For example the bridge tool welds vertexes, but there is also a feature in object mode that welds vertexes. But you are right, it is not necessary and also not the major way to model in Wings3d, so it is pretty complicated and also a bit hidden.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    I said there are quick ways around it...bitch! Hehe. What I meant was Wings doesn't target weld like Max. But really you shouldn't hate a program because of one insignificant tool.
  • Mojo2k
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    Mojo2k polycounter lvl 18
    I feel your pain, i had to use maya at work for a few months and it was miserable, anytime i wanted to do anythin i had to search for some stupid script. be sure to get the auto back script.. its buggy as hell but i rember the first crash i had in maya "Hey Greg, wheres the autoback files save to in Maya?" "The what?" BOOM bad answer I'm not saying maya blows, but it definatly was not compatable with my particular workflow. and its tough being thrown into a crunch situation and having to find a new workflow at the same time. The snapping in max 7 has ben revamped its much better now also
  • jack_blackSISCO
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    jack_blackSISCO polycounter lvl 18
  • Mojo2k
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    Mojo2k polycounter lvl 18
    helpfull as always jack
  • Frankie V
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    Frankie V polycounter lvl 18
    As NoseRider said head over to www.3dbuzz.com and download the “video” tutorials. They will take you from an explanation of the UI all the way up to poly modeling.

    Be sure to check out the Maya section of their message boards as well. A very good site for those that need a focused explanation on various applications
  • jack_blackSISCO
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    jack_blackSISCO polycounter lvl 18
    Yup, Glad to help 2k
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    Thanks for posting that script Daz, just noticed that. Maya's been missing that.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    Sorry to be a newb, but could you give me some detailed instructions on how to use that target weld script. I've got a vague idea about how to use Mel Script, but my brief flailings with your script didn't seem to achieve very much.

    As for Maya versus Max, there is a significan't difference, but once you get the interface properly explained, they work in pretty much the same way. I don't know what the hell 90 percent of the features of Maya do, but I can box model almost as well as I could in Max after a week or so of learning, so its not so bad. At least I won't get fired...
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18

    copy the script as a .mel and place in your my documents/maya/version no./scripts/

    Type "targetWeld" in the script editor.

    right click, select the word "targetWeld", hold down the middle mouse button and you'll see a + icon, now drag to the shelf to make a button.

    Select your object, go into vertex mode ( F9 ), select a vert, hit the previously made button to activate script, then just select your next vert as target. Continue as necessary.
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    Whoa.... badass.

    thanks daz!
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    Happy Birthday ghost_rider. Good luck at the new job.
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