First off I did not write this. A friend of mine, Zach Burns did. He said it was in shape to pass out now. It exports the UVs from Maya as a path layer in Photoshop. Just put it in your scripts directory and drag this to a button:
source PsdPathExporterWin.mel;
The resolution x an y is the width and height when it comes into PS. The iterations per loop is best set around 300. That is how many UVs until it starts a new set. Run the script it will export as whatever.js. Go to Photoshop, File>Scripts>Browse and select it. It will import it as a path layer now just like the Max script.
Only hitch with this is you have to use Photoshop CS since it is the only version that supports javascript. I heard there is a plugin for PS7 that will allow javascript to work, but it hasn't been tested. Have fun!