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Looking for a UT2K4 Partner

polycounter lvl 18
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Dexter polycounter lvl 18
Hello folks! I've got a sweet model concept I'd like to bring into UT2K4. The model I'd love to make can be found on one of the TV Shows on the Cartoon Network. I don't want to give any real big details away but I've never done this before.

I do however have Maya 6, Photoshop CS and a lot more graphical programs (not to mention 2K4). I've never done anything like this before and so I'm looking for someone with the knowledge and skill to make a new skin for Unreal Tournament 2004.

If you're interested in helping me along and going into a Co-Partnership on the completion of a skin, I would gladly publish the skin on my own personal web site along with any links to you and your site (or affiliates). You can e-mail me @ Dexter@clanuta.com (or simply reply to this post). I'd love to hear from someone soon. grin.gif


  • Herr-Maestro
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    Herr-Maestro polycounter lvl 18
    Could it be "Dexter" or "DeeDee" ? heh....
  • lkraan
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    lkraan polycounter lvl 18
    You have a concept, from an existing cartoon, you don't want to give away big details like the name of the character but you want to excite people enough to spend hours of their free time in making it?

    You're talking about creating a skin but I assume that you mean the model and the skin for it.

    Why publish the skin on your personal website when there is the famous Polycount site that can do this for you laugh.gif

    A lot of people who hang out here are either professionals or hobby game artists. Either or they usually have their hands full on their own projects and probably have more ideas than they have time to realise.
    If you seek help then you really have to pimp your idea so that it's very interesting, exciting and specific.
  • Dexter
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    Dexter polycounter lvl 18
    Well here is the thing, I 've always wanted to get into making charater models and/or skins for 2K4. Hell I went to a trade shool that did mostly 3D work so I have experiance in making models, just not one specific for games. I'm lacking the knowledge in exporting it from one app into the actual game. I've got the apps to allow me to do it, and I'm really looking for some help as to how to get started, well a rather helping hand if you will.

    The cartoon charater I have in mind for this would be a pretty cool character for the game just because the character could be seen on any planet (or at least that is how it would seem from the show). Not to mention the charater does a lot of ass kicking every episode and major destruction which to me, sounds perfect in 2K4.

    The reason I don't want to give the charaters name away is because I'd rather not have someone beat me & a co-partner to the punchline with a half assed model/skin. I want the character to be represented as like on it's show and actually show those same "skills" in 2K4. (well as closely as possible)

    Again, if you're interested I would love to help in anyway I can, as I would love to learn from a Master Skin maker for 2K4 (or an experianced one at that).

    I would be more than willing to share what I have in mind with someone that is insterested in making this concept character real in 2K4. Character clue: It would be a "robotic" skin/model. grin.gif
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    I dont think anyone will try to beat you just because you mention his name, if someone already thinks that'd be a good idea he'll work on it, reading your post or not. Really, was there even one case of "idea stealing" on the internet, i.e. someone showing his idea and somebody else executing it first?
  • Dexter
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    Dexter polycounter lvl 18
    Well I personaly cannot take credit for the concept behind the show nor the use of the character. Obviously that credit goes to the creators of the show.

    However, I believe this is infact the very first time I would have seen the character's name mentioned in a game like this. Same goes for Quake...

    I would love to start modeling him, but I'm not that great of a Poly modler as far as games go. I wouldn't know when to stop on the modeling. I'm a good NURBS modeler... I just don't get how detailed I could be and how specific I want the model to look before letting the textures take over.

    Honestly I'm just looking for a helping hand in the creation of this character. I'd love to do most of the work, but I also want to give 50% of the credit to the person that wouldn't mind giving me a helping hand.

    I do plan on submitting the Model/Skin on polycount.com which is why I started posting on here. I guess this is the temp boards. Like the topic says.. I'm requesting in the Work Opportunities section for a Unreal Tournament 2004 Partner. Not a UT2K4 person to put my concept together. frown.gif
  • Dexter
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    Dexter polycounter lvl 18
    Well finally some people wanted to know...

    I'm getting some information back from the Turner Brodcasting Network about using Megas XLR in Unreal Tournament 2004

    Megas XLR

  • Seyiji
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    Seyiji polycounter lvl 19
    That plastic POS does not do Megas justice and if you based your model off of it I think you should delete it now take some screen caps from the show and start over.
  • Dexter
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    Dexter polycounter lvl 18
    I wanted people to get the idea for what I was talking about. Have you tried finding a huge picture of Megas XLR off Google? Good Luck. I obviously am not going to base the model from the toy. That would be stupid. The only thing the toy "offers" as far as any use... would be the position of the paint jobs and what went where.

    I plan on basing the model from the TV show screen shots & then even improving on top of that. I want two make 2 versions. One "Cartoon shader" version & then a more "Realistic" version.
  • Herr-Maestro
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    Herr-Maestro polycounter lvl 18
    Well duh, I'm stoked about that. but you better make it TO "Scale" and have Coop and the gang to go along with man! If you're gonna do it ....do it right. Right?


    *Evil giggle* (you didn't check alltheweb.com did you? )



  • Dexter
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    Dexter polycounter lvl 18
    I wish I was doing it to scale... however everyone else in the server may not like the "unfair" advantage. I do plan on however on the texture adding in Coop, Jamie, & Kiva in the window of the Muscle Car.

    Speaking of the Muscle car... I think I might have narrowed down the search on the type of vehicle it best resembles. A 1968 Pontiac GTO Convertible. You guys be the judge... (see picture below)

  • Vailias
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    Vailias polycounter lvl 18
    hehe this was suggested in the Skin City request boards about a month and a half ago.

    Still a decent idea.

    The next question would be do you want it cartooned like the show, or modeled in a realistic sence like the gto pic?
  • Dexter
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    Dexter polycounter lvl 18
    I think I'd have to decide that fact when I try applying the textures to it. I'd hate to have to decide then, but then again I still haven't found a working partner...
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    The car on top of the Megas was a 1970 Plymouth 'Cuda convertible. I can see how you could mistake it based on the hood, seeing as Mopars have a similar hood scoop style (particularily the higher end ones).
  • Seyiji
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    Seyiji polycounter lvl 19
    M-M-M-Monster Bump smile.gif
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