I type like a spastic, and often make spelling mistakes. Thankfully the new preview option allows me to notice most of them.
Anyway, after trawling around forums for the last few weeks (end of project slackness) I have noticed that quite a lot of people dont know how to spell.
What they do is type an approximation of the word, then put (spelling?) after it.
This irks me more than someone who just doesnt know how to spell. These people have enough intelligence to consider for second that they don't know the spelling. Then they take the time to point out that they are unsure of the spelling.
Why don't they use the power of TEH INTERWEB to check the spelling? It wouldn't take much longer and then they would have increased their vocabulary. Hell, Google even has a spellchecker built in.
Ok, I'm calmer now. I'm off to play pool.
As for spelling correction, especially with latin words some people are so far off that any attempt at autocorrecting their spelling would result in a completely different word...
There are quiet a lot of foreign people on the forums too Rick
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this is true too.
wht do u hav 2 say about that Rick!?1111!
I think most of my screwing up is due to accident, "teh" but i will freely admit i am no where near great at spelling or grammar.
I should maybe do more readin of them books.
On my recent forum excursions I would say that foreign people speak better english than many native english speakers.
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This is true, and also, most sad.
I've read some livejournals of native brits (and americans, to a lesser extent), and the mistakes they make (which, by the way, are not just a typo, because they do it ALL the time) make me cringe... and i'm not just talking about one or two persons, i'm talking about loads and loads of brits and americans that JUST CAN'T BLOODY SPELL.
They manage to misspell words like "library" and "honestly", but they also switch around than and then, which is perfectly acceptable for non-native speakers, but you'd think they'd have learned these things in - you know - school?
All the problems of the world and periodically you start ranting again because the thoughtless spelling of the majority is not as refined as it could be heh
I mean seriously, what will incur your ire next eh? ' If only more people would tuck their shirts into their pants, we'd all get colds less!' ?
It wasnt the spelling that irked me, it was the fact that people knew they were spelling wrongly and pointed out that they were spelling wrongly. They were bothered enough to point out that they might be wrong without trying to fix it.
To me MS Word has destroyed my abilities as well as regular brain damage. I was a pretty decent speller in my time, but I had to struggle in English Literature to get an A minus. What gets me is the obvious mistakes, like: teh raeson for this setnance is ot show hwo you can raed wierd words nad still correct htem.
Now did you see how you can still read that sentence? Really weird huh. The human mind can reconstruct flip-flops or dyslexic typing in seconds. I can deal more with the above sentence than that crap like: I like u 4 the 4 play -n- 4 the way u 8 last nite!
But Sal_Manilla still corrupted me on prolly, I hate writing: I remember so I use I recall.
And I promise to stop using cos instead of because.
Funny at the Silent Forums Rick, I think some of the best grammar students there are the members from Sweden or Canada. We all should try harder though, I agree with that.
EDIT: I try and type/spell to the best of my ability when on the internet as its where I spend most of my time putting sentences together. That way, when I go to write anything on paper I'm not using "U" for "you", etc.
their, there, they're
your, you're
I don't mind bad spelling so much as these errors. Maybe we need a sticky thread.
I see it constantly and it irks the heck out of me.
Actually, people that whistle through their teeth. That's probably a bit more annoying.
i usually make a goof, realise and go back and change it.
frosty: The first and last letter have to be in place for that to work and even then, if the reader encounters a word he does not read often it can take a while to figure it out.
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And it's also possible for two words to have the same first and last letters while at the same time having the same middle letters; such as 'weird' and 'wired.'
Poll: Plural 'polygons' = 'polys' or 'polies'?!
Now, arguably 'polies' is correct in the same way that 'doggies', 'titties' and 'lorries' is. But it just does not look right to me! I always read it as 'pole-ees' It just bugs me written that way!
Firefox keyword dictionary shortcut rules.
Goddamn, I'm a language nerd. In summary, polys is fine because we've made it that way as that usage is more commonly accepted than polies.
Other deviations is like in the oilfield we had: Kickout Dogs, Catwalks, Catlines,
the Crows Nest, Frac Job, Doghouse (which is the sleeping quarters or break trailer)
Rod-Fingers, Hydraulic Tongs, Tubing tongs, Rod Tongs, CatsTail, Mousetraps.
Thanks for the rant Rick I am writing better already, even at work.
crap like: I like u 4 the 4 play -n- 4 the way u 8 last nite!
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Oh god. This just kills me when I see this garbage too. When did netslang gibberish become so frigging cool? The intentional disregard for the language is just juvenile and annoying.
The only time that anything of this sort is acceptable to me is if you are actively playing a game, and don't have time to spell things out because you need to keep shooting. So, while playing, things like "gg" for good game, "plz" for please, "gs" for good shot, etc. are just marginally acceptable, due to the circumstances. But otherwise, please spell correctly and try not to abbreviate excessively, or I'll just think that you are a little slow and ignorant. Of course if you really are slow and ignorant, then by all means abbreviate and massacre the language as much as you like.
Gheez I am sounding almost as weird as Vermilion now.
Vermilion you know a bunch of weird stuff.
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Heh - you've no idea, you guys just get the tip of the iceberg here. I actually don't watch the television show Jeopardy anymore because I can't help screaming the answers at the screen. I don't know if information addiction is a legitimate condition, but I've been known to take random encyclopedia volumes with me into the bathroom to ride out a monster crap - never know what you might learn while grinding one out! Alas, most of the stuff I know isn't terribly useful for anything except handing people their asses in Trivial Pursuit, but if you need someone to tell you what year the Normans invaded England or when the attempted Mongol invasions of Japan occured, I'm your man
Well if you got through this post with ease even omogst teh bad spelling then your A-okay. If you did not. then thats my sorry ass spelling at work and a prime example to this reasoning.
For my defense. I usually mispell so bad, that dictionaries or autocheckers don't understand what I mean. Has nothing to do with "lazy".
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In your defense, "mispell" is one of the most commonly misspelled words people write, so no points off for that one
When you write a forum post, you're writing for others rather than yourself - these aren't notes scribbled on a Post-It with your grocery list, this is communication with other people, people who expect to be treated with a level of respect. But the implication to me is that you don't think we're worth the effort it would take you to even write clearly. If you value and respect other readers here, it's up to you to make that effort. Imagine trying to hold a conversation with someone who just sort of mumbles his replies while watching TV or playing a game, obviously not paying attention to you. Beyond disrespectful, it's damn near insulting and quite likely to piss you off that this someone doesn't feel you're worth looking up from his game to bother dealing with. That's what most of your posts look like to me, at least. If you make spelling errors sometimes, that's fine - I'm obviously a fanatic about proper English and the like, but I make typos I don't catch all the time. But I still make the effort to communicate clearly with others, and put the energy into communicating with them that I want them to put into it with me. If you just wanna quickly jot some shit down and throw it out there, so be it, but you can't act surprised when shit comes back at you in return. I don't think this one thing explains away all of how you're received here at Polycount, but it certainly doesn't help.
Thanks dude.
There's a 30 yr old character TD I know at EA UK that still says 'skellington'. I kid you not .
'Eats, shoots and leaves' is a great little book.
I'll be in the middle of typing a sentence such as "hey, man that character is great", just as my girlfriend is telling me to take out the garbage. You know where this is going.
I mean sure there are 'correct' definitions of spellings and grammar, but as long as what people post is comprehensible surely theres no need to get aggravated about it?
MAYBE we should make it clear if we are using Us English spellings rather than Uk English, by stating so before each post we make. That way the spelling police wont arrest people for misspelling colour/color.
Vermilion: Hahaha, right on! Oh, and I think you meant "voluntarily"...
I customise my colors with honor. Oh, and I'm a modeller!
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Vermilion: Hahaha, right on! Oh, and I think you meant "voluntarily"...
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d'oh! I guess this means I don't have to take a shower today after all.