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JonMurphy polycounter lvl 20
There have been some high winds in the UK recently. Last night, on the ride back home, the wind caught me just as I emerged from the shadow of a truck, heading into a roundabout with a few diseal patches. I think you can already guess where I am going with this.

I tried to go left. The wind blew me right. I went straight on.

I see the curb of the central island coming up.


I'm on my side, bike beside me. Winded, I just keep calm, and concentrate an breathing. I can feel bad grazing on my left forearm and knee, but me right hand is killing me.

I keep still unil paramedics arrive, who take me to hospital

Right hand broken. frown.gif

I can't use a mouse for 2 weeks, which is a bit of a bugger, given my line of work.

I could have been worse. I always wear full biking gear. I now have a hole in one knee, stright through to the thermal layer. If I had been in jeans, that would have been to bone. Nice scratch on my visor, too.

Anyone want to cheer me up with other crash stories?


  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    Doh! Hope you get well soon, I'm sure someone will look after you smile.gif

    I crashed a motorcycle when I was younger. The throttle jammed, there were no brakes (it wasn't mine!). Anyway, I hit a barrel, went over the handlebars. One of the handlebars punctured my thigh and ripped up the inside of my leg to about 3 inches from my nuts before coming out again.
  • Kevin Johnstone
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    Kevin Johnstone polycounter lvl 20
    This is why i dont ride bikes!

    Still, I've survived about 8 car crashes, 3 of them were write off's, one of them i got arrested for being the passenger during the crash.

    Oddly enough though, I've never had a scratch, and I've never crashed a car, I've always just been the passenger while others acted the fool or were caught out by the climate!

    Hope you get well soon.

    Rick: Love the tartan btw
  • bearkub
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    bearkub polycounter lvl 20
    What kind of bike were you riding?

    Hope you get well soon, man. Hand injuries suck.
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    Ta smile.gif I prefer it to the "official" one, All the internal stuff uses it.
  • JonMurphy
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    JonMurphy polycounter lvl 20
    It was/is a Gilera DNA 125, Kub

    Ouch, Rick!
  • tpe
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    tpe polycounter lvl 18
    Hmnn crashes, what are they, never hear of em, definatly never had one that was my own fault (not), well good to hear you are going to make it and hope that hand does not give you too much trouble. Hows the bike btw? and what was/is it? Almost went out and bought a GSX600F today, sort of got permission from the better half too smile.gif Anyway, just round the corner from me there is this bend, i went round it a little faster than normal and for some reason it seemed different, first the exhauzt hit the ground, then side stand, then centerstand dug in and the bike spiraled away under me, i stood up unhurt and these 2 old ladies stared at the silly biker falling off for no reason, then my mate who was trying to catch up with me did exactly the same and both bikes ended in a pile, then the pair of old dears had a really good laugh. Another time some guy came round a corner on the wrong side after the pub on a sunday afternoon, some how i missed the car with my head by about 2 cm, i still have pictures of the bumper going past my visor when i close my eyes sometimes, anyway the bike hit the car head on and i was fortunatly on the right side to come off with nothing but a bad back for a couple of weeks (my best mate's girl brought me a bunch of porn mags at the time which i thought was a bit odd, but she said that it was because i mustn't get any action so as i got better quicker, he left her a couple of weeks later and she and i had a great time dissapearing into the hills on her 650 for a fortnight on nothing but chip butties and err well thats another story) but both the car and the bike were written off and the driver got broken ribs from the engine that got pushed up inside the cabin, servers the bastard right. I hate honda civics as the exhaust can came of one in front of the car in front of me, it went under the car in front of me and got caught on the bumper on the way out, it shot streight up in the air and landed just under my front wheel, where it promptly got crushed like a coke can and wrapped its self round my front tyre, i manged to kick the bike up a couple of times before finally destroying the engine casings on my brand new 550, suck frown.gif. The list just goes on and on, fortunatly most of them reasonably un serious, i hope your hand does well and that you dont end up making more of a habit of them wink.gif and remember always TAKE IT EASY.

  • Sett
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    Sett polycounter lvl 18
    Bike-Zoomin' down a hill on my way to work. Riding on the sidewalk like the carefree young idiot I was.

    Came up to an entrance to a condo. She was looking the other way for on coming traffic.

    Very very lucky? I was coasting with left leg down, right up. Her bumper hit my right peddle. If my right was down her bumper would have crushed my ankle/leg.

    Flew over her hood and landed on my head.

    She-"Are you ok. ah I gotta drive my kid to school" -takes off
    Cops,fire and EMS show up laugh at me, leave. woman returns.

    Cops throw my mangled bike in the back of their curser and take me home.
    Cop-" have some from your work call you in half an hour because if you have a concussion you shouldn't go to sleep". Ya thanks PC Asshole.

    Things I still don't know:
    1.why wasn't the woman charged?
    2.why wasn't she charged with leaving the scene of a accident?
    3.Cop's name, number ?????
    Remember I landed on my head.

    Well I was on the sidewalk going very fast. So I consider it 50/50.

    Car- some kid smacked into my old Jeep that I had bought 4 years ago for 4200$. The insurance co. wrote it off and gave me 4700$ for it. Thanks kid!
  • ndcv
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    ndcv polycounter lvl 18
    Glad you're not hurt worse Jon, sorry about the hand though frown.gif

    I had an SV650, great bike, I crashed it once about 40mph going over one of those big metal construction plates in the road - the plate was at an angle to the street and it was raining. I slid a long way, the bike was fairly messed up, fortunately I was just really really sore for a bit.

    Another time I was going about 25mph on this street where lots of (apparently leaky) delivery trucks drive, I swerved a little too sharp over some oil or something and the bike just went pht right down onto the street. I was fine, picked it up, kept going, then a ped stepped onto the street in front of me so I hit the brakes and apparently there was still oil on the tire, so down it went again. bleh. Then I kept going and didn't drop it again, but after that I was a little freaked out about bikes for a while.

    When I had my first bike I tried to ride away with the wheel lock in place, nothing makes you look cooler than that smile.gif
  • eepberries
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    eepberries polycounter lvl 18
    Funny, I just got myself into a car crash yesterday. Sadly it was my fault too. D'oh frown.gif
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 20
    crashed my sv1000 about a year ago, doing 40 in a 45 in the rain, came around a curve slowly breaking but the road was covered in oil, down i went. i was wearing shorts and a tshirt, but it was so slippery i was barely injured, just slid about 30 feet and got a little road rash on my knee, thats it. bike is just now getting painted, 1969 corvette stringray lemans blue, YUM
  • Cannon
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    Cannon polycounter lvl 18
    I rode my bike into a lake while waving at someone. It was about 5 feet deep with no slope either...just dropped straight down.

    Thats as bad as its gotten for me in terms of crashing, I've had a couple of close calls in my car and thats it.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    there's a bike trail from the skyline down towards the reservoir near my home. it's got some pretty crazy downhill and sharp turns, due to washouts over the years, so it's gotten the nickname "the kamikaze". never had a problem goin down the trail til one time a few summers back. after gainin some speed and takin a blind turn, all i saw on the trail ahead of me was a large pickup truck with barely enough space beside it to fit through. Next thing i know, someone's walked from behind the truck, stands in that space, and points what looks like a gun at me. I, of course, brake as hard as i can, and promptly bail since the trail is all gravel at that point. I slide about 15 feet with my bike on top of me, wearing shorts and a t-shirt (and a helmet), and stop at the feet of the person... Turns out it's a park ranger who was holding a radar gun (there's a bicycle 'speed limit' on the trail of like 15-20mph). As i'm laying there on the ground with my leg scraped to hell from the gravel, the ranger proceeds to give me a lecture on how unsafe i was travelling. Needless to say, if I hadnt been in pain i would of beaten the crap outta the guy.

    for powered vehicle accidents, I've had one that's effected me any. About four years ago I was rear-ended by a full-size brand new Dodge Ram. I was driving a full-size 85 GMC diesel-powered Jimmy. I had just come to a screeching halt because a tiny old import car had stopped in front of me (we were merging onto a freeway and a big rig cut him off). The speed limit for the on-ramp was ~25, the Ram was goin at least 35-40. my screeching tires were almost immediately followed by his (in the split second before the accident, i made the mental connection to the sound, realized how close he was and though 'oh crap'). the impact pushed my truck into the import, where my front bumper perfectly lined up with the row of plastic that was all his rear lights. Amazingly enough, the only damage to my truck was the tailgate was slight damaged, and the right side of the truck was slightly offset... oh, and the driver's chair was bent back so i was looking up at the ceiling. the dodge didnt fair so well, with his engine bay compressed to half it's original size... (like a rock indeed). the downside to that incident is i ended up with neck pains that still affect me at times (it was pain beyond words for the first year after the accident).
  • eepberries
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    eepberries polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    there's a bike trail from the skyline down towards the reservoir near my home. it's got some pretty crazy downhill and sharp turns, due to washouts over the years, so it's gotten the nickname "the kamikaze". never had a problem goin down the trail til one time a few summers back. after gainin some speed and takin a blind turn, all i saw on the trail ahead of me was a large pickup truck with barely enough space beside it to fit through. Next thing i know, someone's walked from behind the truck, stands in that space, and points what looks like a gun at me. I, of course, brake as hard as i can, and promptly bail since the trail is all gravel at that point. I slide about 15 feet with my bike on top of me, wearing shorts and a t-shirt (and a helmet), and stop at the feet of the person... Turns out it's a park ranger who was holding a radar gun (there's a bicycle 'speed limit' on the trail of like 15-20mph). As i'm laying there on the ground with my leg scraped to hell from the gravel, the ranger proceeds to give me a lecture on how unsafe i was travelling. Needless to say, if I hadnt been in pain i would of beaten the crap outta the guy.

    for powered vehicle accidents, I've had one that's effected me any. About four years ago I was rear-ended by a full-size brand new Dodge Ram. I was driving a full-size 85 GMC diesel-powered Jimmy. I had just come to a screeching halt because a tiny old import car had stopped in front of me (we were merging onto a freeway and a big rig cut him off). The speed limit for the on-ramp was ~25, the Ram was goin at least 35-40. my screeching tires were almost immediately followed by his (in the split second before the accident, i made the mental connection to the sound, realized how close he was and though 'oh crap'). the impact pushed my truck into the import, where my front bumper perfectly lined up with the row of plastic that was all his rear lights. Amazingly enough, the only damage to my truck was the tailgate was slight damaged, and the right side of the truck was slightly offset... oh, and the driver's chair was bent back so i was looking up at the ceiling. the dodge didnt fair so well, with his engine bay compressed to half it's original size... (like a rock indeed). the downside to that incident is i ended up with neck pains that still affect me at times (it was pain beyond words for the first year after the accident).

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Wow, and actual case of whiplash huh. Did you anything to the guy in the RAM?
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Was t-boned while taking a cab somewhere. Told the cabby he went too far, he went to make a u-turn (while still in the MIDDLE lane), didn't signal, didn't check his blind spot, next thing I knew I was hanging out the window (my left arm and armpit were touching/on the roof of the car), and the guy that t-boned? Well, his car was IN our car. The best part? The cabby tried to open his door WITH the car still wedged into ours.

    Oh, the drivers wasn't licensed to drive and was an illegal immigrant. CHA-CHING.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    yah, lawsuit on his ass. got plenty of much needed therapy and a semester's worth of college tuition out of it.
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