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Evil Doll

polycounter lvl 18
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Dhin polycounter lvl 18
Well I've been working on this for a while and since the old boards are down I have to start one.

If you want to see other wips for this model them go here or here.

Anyway. I've been playing with the colors and such, I hope I can finnish the whole thing up by Halloween. (though I'll be satisfied if I just get the textures done by then.)


Eye aren't quite right yet though.

C&C on the texture or mesh would be great.


  • EarthQuake
    Are the eyes mapped onto a seperate section of the uvs or something? if not you should realy smooth them out the whole 5 sided thing looks really bad. Something about the smoothing on this model has always bugged me, i dont know if its the construction of the model or what maybe if you did some self-illuminated renders it would look better but that still isnt a solution to the problem
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    I love it! The only thing buggin me is the repeating hair texture. And the smoothing group for her face is wonky when you render it out. frown.gif
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 19
    the texture is looking a bit weak at this point. first of all, you should fix the underlying geometry of the cheeks, try turning edges first, then if you have to add geometry, they have weird smoothing errors caused by those long edges. The eyes and face are very flat, combine that with the super heavy deliniation of color and value, and it makes them not work well. You need some kind of transition between the soft milky white skin, and the uber black hair and lips. some alpha on the bangs would go along way as well.

    keep up the work.

    p.s. the nose from the side profile has that super harsh change in direction, see if you can make it a bit smoother, it will make her look "cuter"
  • Dhin
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    Dhin polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks for the input I'll try to fix some things but it might be helpful to point out what you mean, so here is the mesh lay out and the texture map.

    I do have a few major limits I'm working with on the model, I have a max poly count of 1800, but optimal count would be 1000 (the Dark Engine for Thief 2, can't handel a whole before fps drops like a stone.) I also have a max res on textures at 256 with no more than 2 texture sheets (and here's the kicker, alpha can only be 1 bit. AND gif format only. Texture memory is pretty low.) So I do have a few major handycaps with this model already. There is a large comunity doing mods for t1 and t2 (and if eidos ever released a tools set there will be a lot more doing Thief deadly shadows stuff too.) Any way there aren't may character modelers due to these limits and rigging issuse (no custom animations, and no custom skeletons. They use a strange joint box and bounding plains thing to define the rigging... It is a nightmare.) Those of us who know how do it, do a lot of request. I don't normally skin then models, because there are plenty of talented skinner there, but I don't normally do to much that is out of the ordinary like this one, either. This model should test afew of the engine limits as far as size and level of detail goes, But I'm still shooting for usable.

    As is I'm no pro when it comes to modeling. So I really find your crits helpful, and any pointers you can give me trust me I do try to use. So be brutial, I need to know what is wronge and how to fix it. (Texure tips are especially helpful too.)

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