Ok so i did a new high poly head today for fun and to practice working with edge loops a bit more, i would say i spent about 4-5 hours on it total and the model itself is pretty much done except for some inner mouth stuff i might add. Its based off of elisha cuthbert but my goal isnt to get a perfect likeness of her.

toplogy looks very sound, general face shape good, if a tiny bit square jawed for female.
Weird stuff:
Eye shape. Take another look at a front ortho of a female eye. This shape looks a little strange and theyre slanting down too. Theyre also too possibly too far apart. Theyre too high on the face.
The way too hard line where the plane of the side of the nose intersects the plane of the cheeks.
Ears could use detail and and ref.
Lips. something odd going on there. Looks like she has a huge lower lip perhaps.
Ears are too high.
Did a quick paintover. Hope this helps to see the quirky stuff:
That would be awsome to see somebody model
eyes are still too high up i think .... typicaly they are meant to be in the middle of the head verticaly.. and the eye brow level with the top of the ear .. and yes , neck muscles tooo big, nice flow though.
Main problem with the face at this point is the crease on the cheeks...I'm going to look up the name dammit... the risorius masseter needs to be brought in a bit closer to the corners of the lips and smoothed out a tad. Aside from that I'd say you'll be on to tweaking for racial and general characteristics to make her look less generic.
Coming along well.
some progress on the armor:
AWESOME! Really looking forward to seeing this one finished. I really need to work on my high poly skills, but this is inspirational
Obviously the pic I found has her slightly looking up. Which kind of ruins where things are vertically... but you should still get a good idea of where things are horizontally.
Hope that helps. Probably doesn't 'cause it's such a bizarre paint over. But the grayscale idea I had in my head worked with the paint over!
another little update. sorted lips and some other stuff. ignore the cap. :P
and crash gave her some new hair too, still wip
I don't like the way the body armour (armour? vest top? what is she wearing over that shirt, exactly?)
It's like it's baggy around the breast area then really tight around the waist, looks very unrealistic. Either bring the waist area out to make it look like bulky bulletproof vest style, or make the (item of clothing) tighter around the breasts... especially in the front view it looks pretty wrong IMHO.
Her wrists are really thick in the side view.
Also I'm wondering why you're using all these polys. She'd look pretty much identical with about 5000 polys, I reckon. You're just using polys to add radial segments to the arms and to a lesser extent, the legs, where the extra density is hardly noticed since it's just used to smooth rather than add detail.
I'd focus on modelling cloth folds realistically before wasting polys into "rounding out" areas. It's like you're not sure whether it's a mid-poly game model or a model you're gonna subdivide.
Always add silhouette detail with polys before smoothness. Smoothness can be easily faked with a good texture - silhouette cannot.
Also I just noticed her arms are really thin in the front view just before they disappear inside the (fairly boring and bland) shoulderpads. I'm pretty sure that's anatomically too thin.
Texture is lacking highlights at the moment. Also the highlight on her lower lip is too low down, unless someone's shining a torch in her face from head height. Eyes really need highlights to make 'em pop and seem realistic too.
It's shaping but it still needs a lot of work IMHO. There's little or no interest in the design, to me.
Actually, it just reminded me of this reference photo I had lying around on my HDD. Can't remember which site it was from... ImageAfter, probably.
but its not hehe
and wth arn't you on IRC for FLESHBAG!?