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photoshop 5.5 any faster than 7?

polycounter lvl 20
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poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 20
so i got me a tablet pc, I love the thing. the only problem is it is a bit sluggish using photoshop and painter. im wondering if going back to 5.5 (which ive always heard people liked anyway) will speed it up at all. the system req are certainly lower. anything I will cry over missing that I use in 7 right now? Also right now the tablet pc has 256 mb of ram. i can upgrade to 512 max, will that give me any boost in brush response speed? or is that all related to processor power. (mine is a 933 mhz pentium 3)


  • Bradfordart
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    Bradfordart polycounter lvl 18
    Did 5 have texture brushes? I can't remember.. that's the only drawing I could see to going back. Most of the updates to photoshop are photomanip related.
  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    have you tried photoshop 8 (CS)? It's a real system hog, but I've had a better time painting in it than with 7. Still, I miss how how streamlined 5.5 was. frown.gif
  • PaK
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    PaK polycounter lvl 18
    5.5 is the best of the lot imo except:

    -no layer folders in 5.5
    -no rotating brushes (texture brushes?)
    -the layer effects have been overhauled quite a bit in 7.0

    I like 5.5 for the shortcuts they use, and how when i hit the square brackets ts cycles thru the brushes 'everytime' except for only sometimes. I don't use 5.5 anymore cuz i share my photoshop files with another artist, and we organize via layer folders.


    P.S. nice tits Chris.
  • EarthQuake
    Upping to 512 will definately help brush response, and 5.5 or 6(what i use) will probally run a bit better for you too.
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