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my new website and demo reel!

polycounter lvl 18
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Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
Hey guys!! well in case you dont know, I used to be punjabi pimp but I changed my name to ghost_rider, cause thats the name I use on most forums.
well I just wanted your professional opinions on my new site and demo reel. you can find both at joshsingh.net

Thanks, and I look forward to seeing what you guys think!


  • SjetvsKerrigan
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    SjetvsKerrigan polycounter lvl 18
    Some of the text is red on medium gray, and is hard to read.
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    hello josh,
    excellent work.

    i ran into a bit of a navigation problem with your site. some of your thumbnails will open a new window to display an image while some thumbs, in the same category, will take you to that image directly. i completely closed out of your site four times before i gave up browsing it. keep designs consistant so we are not guessing.
  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
    Killing People, Thanks, Ill have to check that again. They are all supposed to open in a separate window. sorry for the confusion!
    Sjetvskerrigan: Thanks for the input, if anyone else thinks it's hard to read Ill change it to white or something.
  • SnipeyX
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    SnipeyX polycounter lvl 18
    Looking good, one thing I noticed about your site though, the page titles are a bit off:
    Home -> Home (good)
    2d -> Services
    3d -> About Us
    Games -> Contact Us
    Links -> Page Title
    DemoReel -> Page Title
    resume -> contact

    So you might want to change a few of those, reel looks pretty good, why didn't you show off more of that mech at the end though, that looked awesome, would be fun to rig that guy!

    Nice work though, while I didnt go through every image on your site, I didn't have any navigation issues, though that may very well be due to FireFox.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    I didn't check out your site but I had a chance to take a gander at your demo-reel. I gotta say, that Rhino character is one of my favourite characters this year. Kick-ass variations and a solid design all the way through. You're quite good at taking a model and making it look completely different with variations - good job ghost.
  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks for the kind words!

    killingpeople: ok I fixed those links, did you click on every image to find those? thanks!
    snipeyx: I fixed the page titles, thanks for pointing that out.
    AdamBrome: Thanks for checking out my demoreel! It's a bit of a download but Im glad you liked it! I love those rhino guys. One day Im gonna redo them all High poly, Maybe when I get zbrush for christmas.
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    coolness smile.gif i love that rhino cgchat entry, awesome.

    id suggest rethinking some of the colors, specifically the red text on a gray bg, and blue text link colors on the gray bg.

    dunno if you are using css or not, if not, they can be changed super quick by using an externally ref'ed stylesheet. I prefer css to defining colors in the html files, allows you greater control over the look and feel of everything; and can be changed globally in a second.

    maybe also include a link to a site or screenshots of the games you've worked on? not really important, but kind of a novelty.
  • FatAssasin
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    FatAssasin polycounter lvl 18
    Your modeling work is really good. But I agree with some other here about the text color. Bright red and bright blue are hard to read on the grey background. These color combinations tend to vibrate around the edges. Just make the colors darker and it'll be fine.

    Also, on your resume, it seems odd to list the same company twice just becuse you changed positions. Seems like you're trying to fluff up the experience section. Just list it once and mention the promotion in the job description.
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 20
    looks real good man, lots of quality stuff there. my favorate is the dude in the black stealth gear. I also like your rino guy alot, liked him back during the competition too. 8-)

    looks like a solid portfolio, are you looking for work?
  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
    Moose: Ok, It looks like I might change the font color. you convinced me hahaha. That's a good Idea about the screenshots from the games Ive worked on. Ill have to round some up.

    Phatassasin: Thanks for the kind words, and about fluffing the exerience section, well I guess Im guilty as charged. wink.gif

    Poop: Thanks for taking the time to check my stuff out! I really appriciate it.And yes I am looking for work. I love the guys I currently work with, but I want to get a position at a larger studio that can offer all the great coroporate bells and whistles, like health insurance! hahahah.
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