Hey all.
I hope I picked the right forum to ask, if not I apologize.
Are any of you familiar with 1st person field of view (on the client side), in any of the shooters that are on the market?
I was wondering if they are all different or if there is a standard (90 degrees, 75 degrees, 60 degrees, etc..).
I figured I could find out by sifting through available source code, but I wanted to ask here first as there appears to be some knowledgable folks on the boards.
I also noticed that a lot of folks here model some nice looking character models but I never see arms and weapons to be used for 1st person perspective. Is this a reflection of my ignorance of how it is actually done on the client side?
Thanks in advance for any info.
and to answer your question, probably the universal default is 90 degrees FOV. sometimes there are slight variations (like 85 degrees instead), and naturally it will be a smaller number when zoomed in with a weapon. other games, like the AVP series, will use a really wide FOV 'fisheye' look to give a nice alien feel.
As far as v weapons with arms modeled in, for the most part, this depends on the type of game.