Posting the sketches, cause we need em... A cut + paste from Conceptart -- nobody looked at it, anyway.
Some kind of neo-Egyptian ritual commando dude:

I think I dated this girl in college:

Or maybe this was her:

Concepts for a future modeling project:


Anubis, with that name I'm preaching to the choir, huh? Thanks for the sword name... kopesh, yeah... I want to paint this guy, give him smooth oiled pecs and some harsh .50 DE's under both arms, and hieroglyph tattoos.
BackSlash, yeah, I made the froggy guy up from nothing, but he does look pretty Mon Calamari. And it IS inked, whattaya mean?!?
Brome -- after I drew the Respirator Executive I realized that he looked like an cool in-game goon type. I see there being whole crews of them. Put that down under 'future models'. Hmm, that's quite a list...