well, I finally had my first title published. bloodrayne 2. I worked as a character artist for terminal reality for 10 months, it was my second full time industry job.
Severin, the main male character. I took him from concept to final rig

Shadow Legion, hardcore ninja baddies. Design by Jesse Sossa, model and texture by me.

Lots of other updates from the game and from personal projects on my site
lemme know whatcha think.
The ninja guy is rockin' too. Kudo's to you and Jesse on a fine job :P
Cool that you put a Mathis sign in BR2
Character models look really good! How much time did you spend on for instance the Shadow Legion model and skin? Just wondering how much time you (can) use when making a model and skin on the job.
Is the game worth picking up then?!
Ikraan, most textures took about 3 days. Thats for color map, specular and normal map.
Skull splitter, I probably could have put them on the mask texture, but this way I was able to reuse a larger chunk of texture all 8 times, and they do catch a bit of light along the rims.
Jzero, they really were not supposed to be such a cartoony style. Thats my fault, and I am working on improving my texturing skills. They were all supposed to be as photorealistic as possible. His skin is hand painted, and I tried to make it corolate to regular muscle features, the strap is stretching because of his extreme pose. poor rigging i guess *shrug*
pc release is Q1 2005 for br1 they released it at the same time, and it contributed to heavy piracy in the countries that didnt have the xbox or ps2 versions out yet, so now they are waiting till all countries have their console versions. Or at least thats what I heard/assumed.
Daz, I always made the hands bigger, then monster would make me make them smaller. *shakes fist at monster* The coat is totally flat shaded, but has a normal map made in zbrush. I should probably add a third panel for severin showing off his normal/specular maps. As for the game, I havent played it yet in its final incarnation. It seems to be getting mostly good reviews though.
Hope your having a blast in DC!
there's the drummer...lol... he was the best looking one of the bunch...
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hah! you just made my day. 8-)
love your new avatar poopster
Well he was :X
love your new avatar poopster
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thanks mate, just wait, im working on a whole slew of em. per128 inspired me with his 2, and i had so much fun making it on my new tablet. this one started as trying to be a big wink, but ended up looking more pained so i just went with it. thanks a ton for all the kind words everyone