Hi! Your sharing to little information. What do the texture sets look like, how many are there (cornea separate from eyeball?)? Are you applying the texture to the correct set/ material ID? Does the mesh have multiple UV sets and the wrong one is being used? Ideally share files, then your issue can be reproduced no guessing necessary.
Hi! Your sharing to little information. What do the texture sets look like, how many are there (cornea separate from eyeball?)? Are you applying the texture to the correct set/ material ID? Does the mesh have multiple UV sets and the wrong one is being used? Ideally share files, then your issue can be reproduced no guessing necessary
Hello, due to some reason I am unable to upload the fbx stuff here, I have made 4 meshes, they look like this, two of them are highpoly and two of them are lowpoly, and then I imported them into the substance painter and extracted the normal map from there, and then got into zbrush and essentially followed the steps of this video https://youtu.be/Q-lOV99cRco?si=juIrwno_5H07MwKa, everything went well till the marmoset parallax part, but when I imported albedo, it gave this kind of result
To attach files here, zip them first, then attach the zip (at least this worked for me in the past). The low poly meshes and textures should suffice to reproduce this. Alternatively, host it somewhere (drive, dropbox, ...) and share link.
Still hard to tell what's going on from the images alone, perhaps you're applying the eyeball albedo map to the cornea material?
Still hard to tell what's going on from the images alone, perhaps you're applying the eyeball albedo map to the cornea material?