I just played Darkwatch 2005 in PS2. I'm surprised how great this game could have been in its time. I spiraled to searching what went with the IP itself and the studio. I feel bad about what happened to the studio and the creators. This was easily another iconic Playstation IP everyone could have enjoyed today if it weren't for the Activision acquisition.
I decided to try a darkwatch remaster and visualize how it would look like if it was current gen.
Been a while since my last post here. I would like to be consistent this time and I've grown since. But the industry is such in a bad place right now. What with AI, and the industry lay offs. I also have some friends who are deeply affected by this events.
I'm 30 now and I have a very different sentiment for the industry. Trying to find the excitement I felt back then. The game(darkwatch) somewhat CPR'd my interest back. Perhaps it's because of how primitive everything looks back then and gameplay is solid. Compared to now wherein everything is flashy and games are mehhh.
Hoping a good amount of people will catch on with the work. Love to hear all your inputs. Time to put the pen back on paper!
Since Darkwatch is a bit close to doom in consideration to how it felt like it should be fast-phased when played(I was slow), I envisioned it should have big spaces and arena-like treatment from level to level.
Just had to put the game's logo, I KNOW! I guess it was just something to feel pumped about.
I whipped something quick just to get a sense of how it might feel mood-wise. Created some asset's in 3D.
Totally unrelated subject-matter. BUT...
Since I know that I will be heavily relying in 3D in this project. I wanted to create a small scene that will focus on how efficient I will be utilizing 3D while the focus is exploration and less on asset creation. Common challenge in utilizing 3D is it get's fairly technical if you don't have a direction. You can get easily preoccupied with worrying about pbr maps and whether or not to consider making your geo's game-friend. This considerations can derail you and forget that we're only creating an image, not assets.
Successfuly, I'm going to use a 3D work flow that only utilizes the following:
- Modeling: Focus on basic shapes and large-to-medium raw look (no 90 degrees, no straight verticals and horizontals). Shit GEO is fine
- Texturing: Only utilize the base-color/diffuse map with roughness on 1. Create textures from photographs not game-ready PBR textures. Only consideration of material is it should have small, medium, and large elements regardless of how unusual it looks. What matters is it looks organic at a certain view (NON REPEAT).
Texture looks decent medium to long camera distances.
My notes so far to add.
I'm definitely not great with characters. But can't deny I got bored with the environment tasks. I can't wait to see what would Jericho look like in the remaster.