[short version]
Hi all, not sure if this is even possible, but is there a way to keep the Texture Coordinates from a Procedural material, yet have them apply to a model using a different Texture Coordinates method? Possibly via Mixing or Math?
[long version]
I have a Procedural material which was made on a Plane using UV Texture Coordinates. If you change it to Object it doesn't work properly (patterns get all messed up etc.) Generated works to a degree, but is difficult to control for mapping (if I get the short side of the object correct, the long side is wrong and so on).
I'm now trying to use it on a 3d model that has UV's, however, the model and the material were not made with each other in mind. So the UV's for the model are not all facing the same direction as they were packed with a program ( I can't easily go in and rotate the UV's as this is the last part in a mostly baked model). I usually use Object Texture Coordinates for Procedural Texturing as it gives good even distribution.
Is there a way to retain the UV Texture Coordinates, while also applying them to the 3d model using Object Texture Coordinates?
It isn't the end of the world if I can't use this material here, I just wanted to know if this was possible. Thank you for any info.
If you have a 2D texture then you can't simply pull this into 3D. It may work for example for some sand texture and you have somekind of sandheap.. but as mentioned: a brick texture changes if you "got into 3D" simply because the bricks are layed in some other pattern (except if you do use a simple grid.. but no brick layer would use this.. because of the structural integrity over "overlapping" bricks.. )..
..so you need some 3D-texure; a texture which is meant to be generated in 3D
You may have a look at this 2D voronoi pattern using UVs and a real 3D voronoi pattern using 3D cooridnates..