I could really use some feedback on my composition.
So far, I have only modeled out the gramophone, everything else is just a block out to get the composition right before I start modeling out everything else. I’m wondering if it feels too busy or looks awkward? I’ve been looking at this for so long I can’t tell anymore!
Nothing that needs changing right now, but the overlap of the crank with the edge and corner of the gramophone base is a bit unfortunate, as it the sound box (the small cylinder holding the needle) visually touching the horn. Likewise, the left corner of the gramophone might be a bit close to the walls meeting behind it, depending on lighting. Nudging/arcing the camera a bit to the left might solve most of that, but you can also move/rotate the elements if you want to keep the overall composition.
The best way to get better at this is, move fast break things, and make a lot of images.