Hi guys!
I am learning about 2 ways to texture large landscapes. Mask creating and terrain creation not a problem. I am more interested in texturing workflows. If someone who is pro can gave some good tips, pros cons what is usually for both terrains for games or in 3ds max, Blender.
If I have 5 masks and textures for grass, gravel, rocks, snow,...
1. I pre combine, blend them together. I mean I make composite base color textures together with masks, composite roughness texture, composite normal texture and then just connect them to 1 material.
2. I do not pre combine, blend textures together. I just blend materials together. So grass, gravel, rocks, snow materials are combined and masked into combined material. Obviously then I have more materials.
I do not know what is better method. If I combine textures together I think I have more control on base color map and can easily do some overlays, tweaks later on.