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Blender Geometry Nodes Help

polycounter lvl 4
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Chrismartinartist polycounter lvl 4
Is it possible to use GN to create a collection of randomly shaped objects, but while keeping neat low poly quad topology? Like so that you can increase the number of faces the object(s) have and it automatically keeps it quads? I feel it is, but can't seem to figure out how.



  • okidoki
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    okidoki greentooth
    The task to solve you mention is very generally specified..  what should "random" mean here..

    You can always throw a Remesh modifier with method Voxel on any object genrated by whatever... or:
    For example you could also start with a cube and scale and extrude any faces for some time (maybe with some check of intersect  and/or only for a few number of iterations).. or:
    Like the rock generator (in extra objects addon): simpu subdivide and displace a cube (also maybe first not scale the whole object not only by the axis but the faces by some angle).

    So "some random shaped object" might be soo random that you can't use it for anything ( selfintersection,  ugly (?) , except maybe for  some abtract art ).
  • gnoop
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    gnoop sublime tool

    What you are asking  is quad re-mesher.    As far as i know Blender doesn't  have it same good as in  Zbrush,  3d max or Houdiny.   Same as in Zbrush one  is having  been sold as an inexpensive  addon  for Blender  with a free trial.    Neighter of them  are  good enough  to make clean cutting edge of a blade for example.   

    You can try nodes of this amazing  node guru:  Higgsas  https://blendermarket.com/products/geometry-nodes-groups  
    I never tried myself  his  "tesselate mesh" one although.
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