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Flaoting Geo normal map bake warped?

polycounter lvl 10
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Asim7 polycounter lvl 10
I have this very simple mesh with a floating geo
I don't know why the normal map bake is warped, it's just a flat surface. I can't really make it more flat lol

I can turn off the average normals, but imo I shouldn't have to when the normal is just 1 front facing polygon face.
And turning off average normals ruins the rest of the normal maps for edges and corners.

What am I doing wrong?


  • Benjammin
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    Benjammin greentooth
    You have identified the problem that its caused by the averaged normals, and since your low poly only has the corner vertices to interpolate from, everything is projected from those corners. 
    You need to either have hard edges on your low poly, or add more vertices so it has more normals to work with.

  • Noren
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    Noren polycounter lvl 20
    You could also try combining two bakes. Also, if the outer hull is supposed to show up in the normals from the front, make sure to adjust the lowpoly/cage accordingly.
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    an alternative in this case could be Marmoset Toolbag with its skew mapping. this should be the perfect usecase.
    on the more organic stuff I work on its usually more troublesome and causes issues, but on something this boxy it should work great.

    but as you are using substance, another option would be just painting this detail in texturing.
  • iam717
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    iam717 interpolator
    forget where but a while back there was a normal map merge by % "action script", i think for "adobe" idk if it can be "reconfigured for say oh idk, krita maybe, it was what i used when i ran into this issue, idk if it's "development" friendly and accurate, so grainiest of salts. so in addition to Noren's comment.
  • gnoop
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    gnoop sublime tool
    It's weird Painter still doesn't have easy fix  for this .  Designer  baker has "skew " mask option  for example .     You also can project base box UV on the floating geo  ( if it's one sided ),   bake object space  normal map and re-bake it to tangent space in any 3d package.   Sometimes helps with complex things.
  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    Noren said:
    You could also try combining two bakes. Also, if the outer hull is supposed to show up in the normals from the front, make sure to adjust the lowpoly/cage accordingly.
    I dont like this approach tbh.  
    ignoring the fact it's a hack.. if you're working with others it obfuscates the process used to create a piece of content and that can cause confusion for someone revisiting it later. 
    Not a problem if you're working independently on a portfolio piece of course. 

    The solutions offered - disabling averaged normals. skewmapping in toolbag,or simply painting the detail on (probably what I'd do in this case) are all preferable IMO
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