I’m excited to share my latest artwork with you! It’s been a project I’ve worked hard on over the past few months and I’m happy to finally show it. This piece represents my growth as an artist, and I hope it connects with you in some way. I hope you enjoy it.
I don't know much about guns, but this looks good to me. I like the worn down corner of the grip panel. This doesn't seem to be a realtime piece at a first glance, but there are some distortions in the details, like most notably the big screw on the grip panel. Is that normal-mapped? If it's geometry, it probably shouldn't curve with the grip, but be inset and flat, as it seems functional rather than ornamental.
This doesn't seem to be a realtime piece at a first glance, but there are some distortions in the details, like most notably the big screw on the grip panel. Is that normal-mapped? If it's geometry, it probably shouldn't curve with the grip, but be inset and flat, as it seems functional rather than ornamental.