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Which PBR is actually PBR?

sublime tool
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gnoop sublime tool

left is Painter  with specular quality Ultra and is same sbsar material (color and roughness) exported from Designer.    Same "panorama"   environment  with same exposure value .  

Painter in "low"  settings   makes it identical  to Designer.    So which  is actually Physically based for real ?    What matches Unreal  currently ? Does anyone have an idea?


  • Eric Chadwick
    For real? Both

    Matches Unreal? Let us know.

    Any idea? Somewhat. Every real-time render is opinionated, they all make tradeoffs. Also, PBR shaders all have different approximations, because PBR is not a perfect science. It’s much much better than the old Diffuse/Specular/Guessing method. But it’s still open to interpretation, decisions need to be made for speed and efficiency reasons.
  • gnoop
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    gnoop sublime tool
    For real? Both
    You can check it  yourself just by changing specular quality parameter in Painter .  Default "low" looks same as in Designer.   Ultra makes  any material shine  a lot.   Especially in mid grey roughness values.       

      Imo correct intensity and spread of highlight spot  is basically main feature why we once switched to PBR pipline, right?    So I wonder how could it be so different  with different implementation and still keep PBR  title. 
      In Designer  you just can't set it Ultra, there is no corresponding  settings.   And IMO Designer is misleading you currently.  It affects roughness value you  chose a lot .
      Since every game now considers Unreal as a golden standard   I wonder what settings people set in Painter to get same as in Unreal look? 
       I haven't much time currently to test it myself since in Untreal it all depends alot on exposure  settings and sky background   and I have no idea how make it perfectly matching  to "panorama" HDRi from Substance .      Hoped someone did it already.

  • Eric Chadwick
    Different shaders use different specular lobes. Disney GGX is a commonly used one. Im guessing that’s why you’re seeing vastly different reflections at glancing angles… tools are probably using different ways to calculate how a roughness value will scatter the “rays” of light, and simulate the scattering of light that happens from micro-facet surfaces. 

    Micro-facet reflection is what a roughness parameter is simulating, the effect of tons of very small randomly angled facets (think of sand paper up close, vs far away) and how they scatter a bunch of mostly parallel light rays (the sun for example).

    ”Roughness” is an approximation, an optimization, and there are different ways to simulate it, each with different tradeoffs.
  • gnoop
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    gnoop sublime tool
    Different shaders use different specular lobes.
    Well. Looks like it same shader  there . What's different is  "low" 4 spp vs "Ultra" 255 spp .   My guess spp  is samples per pixel.    Not sure I still understand why it produces so drastically different  shine .      And why at all it should be based on number of samples in real time shader.
  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    Most likely it's related to the IBL sampling which can have a fairly significant impact on perceived roughness without actually breaking the maths - in theory it can interfere with the amount and diffusion of the light coming from the sky

    It's something that can be worked around but I suspect that supporting panorama images rather than properly convolved cubemaps for the IBL makes that difficult - the maths are a bit beyond me when we get to this sort of thing tbh. 

    I've not looked at the shader code for either application since they adopted the Adobe materials but previously the IBL sampling in Painter was a lot more sophisticated than what Designer offered  - I wouldn't be surprised if that was still the case
  • gnoop
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    gnoop sublime tool
    I want to test same material in Unreal  just to check how it would be looking there . Unreal became a sort of  icone of ultimate truth nowadays . If it looks some way in Unreal  the reality should bend and follow.      Just to figure out what roughness values  are correct.

    Does anyone know how  to make it illuminated by same pnorama HDRi  in Unreal with same intensity with auto-exposure off and on ?        I measured  sun altitude angle in this panorama .hdr file  using sphere projection  on a sphere  it's only 16 degree  to  a ground plane.
  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    The panoramas supplied with painter are fudged rather than properly calibrated so you'll be eyeballing it

  • gnoop
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    gnoop sublime tool
    poopipe said:
    The panoramas supplied with painter are fudged rather than properly calibrated so you'll be eyeballing it

      Do you mean they just  paint the sun there  with what they believe right intensity and in random height /angle ?   Looks like so actually  . I see sort of stamped in sun disk   , too big for actual sun  and have zero corona around.         What would be properly calibrated  HDRi?    Is there a way to  distinguish them?   With "calibration" do you mean  some special hardware  measurements of intensity values?

    Does anyone know HDRis  somewhere that could be used as a physically correct light source reference   with proper sun vs sky  balance for given sky condition and time of day ?       

  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    Yes - calibrated means they come with numbers you can use to set them up correctly in your renderer (assuming you have the control to do so)

    These are calibrated (or at least i'm reliably informed they are)

    I don't think you can just drop the files into painter and they'll magically work - haven't personally tried it. 
  • gnoop
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    gnoop sublime tool
  • Eric Chadwick
    Amazon also shares a calibrated set of studio HDRs, I’ll see if I can find the public link. They’re a bit overlit for my tastes, a ton of bounce so it’s a bit difficult for judging shading. But they’re purposefully grayscale so no color cast.
  • Eric Chadwick
    The last three at the bottom here. Can’t find the docs though https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF-Sample-Environments
  • gnoop
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    gnoop sublime tool
    Thank you Eric
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