I am trying to combine two masks into one.
Half of the mesh has a correct mask on one side, so I duplicated it and rotated it.
Now I want to mask out half of Mask B, to combine them at the halfway point.

The mask layers

So I have Mask A and Mask B and a Paint Layer to make half of mask A invisible and then put Mask B on top of that portion, the now hidden part of Mask A.
So I turn on the paint layer inbetween.

And now I want mask B to override and be placed ABOVE or On Top the black part but the paint layer is affecting both the mask below and above????
Why is the paint layer in between affecting the mask above as well? This would have worked fine in Photoshop as the above layer would take precedence. It's driving me nuts lol

The anchor points either didn't work as I wanted or I didn't know how to use them correctly.