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Adapting roughness channel and normal intensity in whole project for a new render ?

sublime tool
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gnoop sublime tool
Years ago I would use Photoshop actions. But I am starting to hate Photoshop.   Is there a new  easier  options   for easily  batch tweak something ? 


  • okidoki
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    okidoki greentooth
    If i understand this correctly you want to change all textures but not with some internal settings (nowadays maybe with nodes). So maybe with  some node based images processing tools.. like for example mentioned here: https://www.pixcores.com/2022/01/4-free-open-source-node-based-image-editor ?? So you can use the same nodes setup for all textures..
  • gnoop
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    gnoop sublime tool
    thanks okidoki    but node based something is still  too much troubles .   I look for some pre-build script that  would scan resource folder  for texture files  with  a list of specific suffixes  and then process their green  channel with certain  value remapping  or curve editing.           Probably a task for chat GPT  and  Photoshop  javascript.   I just wonder if  something  like that exists already.     I read about automation toolkit for Substance     but couldn't  find  where  people download it from  and what options it really provides.            

    Or perhaps Blender could have such chance with chat GPT.       Just wonder what could be simplest way?         Chat GPT suggests Photoshop   but  my experience with javascripts  Chat does  is so so.    I want something like chose  the value  transform ,hit a button and forget.    Doing it for many folders in the project at once.
  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    gnoop said:
    thanks okidoki    but node based something is still  too much troubles .   I look for some pre-build script that  would scan resource folder  for texture files  with  a list of specific suffixes  and then process their green  channel with certain  value remapping  or curve editing.           Probably a task for chat GPT  and  Photoshop  javascript.   I just wonder if  something  like that exists already.     I read about automation toolkit for Substance     but couldn't  find  where  people download it from  and what options it really provides.            

    Or perhaps Blender could have such chance with chat GPT.       Just wonder what could be simplest way?         Chat GPT suggests Photoshop   but  my experience with javascripts  Chat does  is so so.    I want something like chose  the value  transform ,hit a button and forget.    Doing it for many folders in the project at once.

    Automation toolkit is basically impossible to download unless you have an enterprise license.  This is part of Adobe's effort to eliminate any sort of automation or efficiency in game development (i guess we should be glad they're not charging 30k a year for it anymore) 

    You can use the in editor scripting API to do quite a lot but for your purposes (you're basically just piping an image into a substance graph and saving the result) using the batch tools will work fine - you can fire those off from any scripting language / .bat files. 

    There are a bunch of example tools for this sort of thing online going all the way back to designer 4 - things have evolved a bit but the updated docs are here (from the automation toolkit docs but you should get the same tools with your designer installation)


  • Michael Knubben
    @gnoop look into Imagemagick, I think it's exactly what you're looking for. Commandline scripting to run a bunch of commands on many images.
     Graphicsmagick is a supposedly more modern fork, worth a look.
  • okidoki
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    okidoki greentooth
    G'mic is "something similar" and there is even an addon for blender to use it with nodes so one does not have to do the scripting (IDK about iterating over all images) . You might have look at the G’MIC Node Editor thread from BlenderArtists.
  • gnoop
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    gnoop sublime tool
    Thanks guys for great suggestions.
    okidoki   This GMIC still  requires to manually  drop input image and  save  processed one , right?     
    poopipe   this link is what automation toolkit  is , right ?   I still need to  request it  from  license administrator to download?   \
  • okidoki
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    okidoki greentooth
    I'm not sure yet ( have seen this also just recently ) if the  "build script" can be use from external and so iterated over the directory (asking now..)
  • poopipe
    Offline / Send Message
    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    gnoop said:
    Thanks guys for great suggestions.
    okidoki   This GMIC still  requires to manually  drop input image and  save  processed one , right?     
    poopipe   this link is what automation toolkit  is , right ?   I still need to  request it  from  license administrator to download?   \

    sbsrender/sbscooker etc are supplied with designer (they're in the program files folder) and can be run from the commandline/batfile/scripts without using automation toolkit.  afaik they're exactly the same and take the same commands etc. (i've bootstrapped automation toolkit to use designer tools/libraries rather than the supplied ones in the past although that's more difficult recently)

    imagemagick is a good shout if you don't want to do anything complicated.

    personally I'd probably go with python/opencv for this specific job but for anything much more complicated I'd use the substance batch tools because that allows you to build your processing step as a substance graph 
  • gnoop
    Offline / Send Message
    gnoop sublime tool
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