I sometimes I really don't progress at all, like zero. When I look at people's works I can see them getting slightly and slightly better each time but when it comes to myself I don't see it at all and I'm genuinely starting to think that I'm dumb or smn.
This one is my larest passion project that I no longer want to deal with (original gun concept from scratch)
More than technical and art-related questions I'd like to ask for some more mental-related questions because I seriously (other than subd) I feel like I have learned nothing whatsoever and I can't something a bit more advanced on the model-making side of blender and at this point I feel like a ship in a glass bottle, just completely hardstuck
Man, I just want to get better maybe I'm delusional or something and learning blender is an extremely slow process for everyone but I can't really be sure because I don't know any people that do 3D stuff in general, personally
PLEASE tell me about your past experiences and thoughts about this in general, I'd also be very happy what makes you going on because not finishing a week old maybe even a month old model that I can easily finish in a day really hurts and I really wish to learn this a bit more steadily and consistently.
and this one over a year ago maybe a year and a quarter, I've maybe made 7 projects this year (based on a taurus judge or an executioner, I don't remember it quite well) (do not ask about the topo or wireframe, I don't have it and it probably looks horrid)
Also the stuff that you see on most people's portfolios is usually like 1% of the work that they have done and put on display for others to see, so don't get demotivated by judging according to what you see on Artstation because inbetween those amazing pieces there are lots of small projects and time spent grinding without anything great to show for it.