so i'm running into some issues with substance painter. I know i can paint in blender but I like using substance painter. So I have it where i brought my character in painter, he is clothed and has outfit over him and all. A lot of his clothes have the solify modifier and they are applied when i export it. So i bring it into painter and when i do just a quick bake to set things up, the ambient occulusion has it where his clothes has marks. I wonder if it because maybe his body under his clothes are too close to the outfit causing these issue. I also notice it made his collar white plus does it for his head. Here i'm including screenshot to see what causing this. What could I do to fix this. I could fix the body inside more but like to double check on this. Any follow up questions on this model let me know.

But guessing, I'd point to overlapping UVs too: unless offset, the additional geometry that's generated by the solidify modifier will occupy the same UV space as the original geometry, ergo will bake to the same pixels.
Also there were a few uv that did overlap but they weren't the cause on the vest. That uv packer i used i somehow messed up with.
Here is a quick walkthrough how I checked with the jacket:
1 - UV Sync Selection is enabled in UV editor, meaning faces selected in UV view will be selected in the 3D view as well.
2 - Some faces of the jacket were selected in the UV view
3 - Checking the selection in the 3D view, inside and outside are selected on either side.
So: 1 face in the UV space corresponds to 4 faces in the 3D space, meaning when baking, they will all write to the same pixels of the texture. If AO for a occluded face was baked, it will show on all those faces sharing the same UV space.
Reimporting your meshes (or applying the modifiers), you should be able to reproduce this yourself.
To solve this, you would have to re-unwrap with the generative modifiers applied so each face has its own UV space and/or, if you want to re-use parts of the texture, offset UVs of faces you don't want to get baked by 1, so they are outside of the 0-1 space.
The mirror modifier allows to offset the UVs of the generated geometry in its settings. As far I know, with the solidify modifier there is no such option. However you can assign the generated geometry to a vertex group and then offset the UVs of that group with a UV warp modifier. This doesn't work with a filled edge though, since the edge faces will belong partly to both vertex groups.
Generally, the question is what is the plan with the character, do you need all this geometry that's never seen? Perhaps just have the edges of cloth intersect with what's below and avoid thickness. There's probably many character examples to look at with interactive 3D viewer in the browser, perhaps on sites like Sketchfab or Artstation.