Hello. Been a very long time since I've posted here. Work, uni (and life...) left me with zero time to do any 3D art. This is a small project just to prove to myself I can still finish something!
This is a vase by
Tiffany Furnaces i saw (and was infatuated with) in the NY Met. during a trip I took earlier this year.

Above is the single photo I took just to remind myself that it
existed for later, before I discovered that there are very few photos of this on the internet, and none of them of a high quality.
This is the current state of my high poly. The snake skin was an incredible pain to work out.

I'm not super happy with the state of the snake heads. I've spent a
lot of time mucking around with them, and I have kind of got in too deep to really work out what's wrong with them. Some feedback on these would be greatly appreciated.
The plan is to make this an opportunity to play around with Unreal's Substrate framework properly, which I'm really looking forward to, having spent all year doing my thesis on the engineering side of material layering.
Feedback welcome please!
Are the snakes posed using curve deformers? I think putting a snake in a more neutral pose would make it easier to do overpaints and adjustments it based on anatomy references. Some distinction between belly and top might improve the look further. Keep it up!