I thought this issue was caused by me decimating too heavily, but it seems even after redoing the high poly & decimating less the issue remained. I am getting black triangles on certain random faces on the high poly (i fixed it in some areas by manually merging these) and also this long artifact.
My mesh doesn't have a UV seam nor sharp edge here so it doesn't make sense to me, the bake goes fine in Substance but I cannot paint skew like in marmoset so i need to fix it here.
I'd really appreciate some info on avoiding / fixing this, cheers

I think the screenshot below is showing what you mentioned?
Although I had already re-done the decimation to a lesser degree and the bake looked fine in marmoset for the most part, looking at the normal map in photoshop, it's really bad. I think this is ultimately still due to decimation. I was having issues when initially dynameshing my scope that there wasn't really enough resolution even at 4096, which makes it hard to completely negate the blockiness that you can see on the high poly in the second screenshot below.
Time to be even less harsh i suppose. I'll give this a shot tomorrow and post about the results, appreciate the ideas on what to check for though guys.
I used the comment found here to fix some visible areas on the high poly manually, but the areas on the bake aren't visible in blender to me. (shading smooth also seems to bring up many issues with these decimated meshes as mentioned by that commentor)
I can fix these areas manually in photoshop, but it would be great to understand what's causing it exactly and how to avoid the hassle
Here's a link to the high and low for one part of my scope:
I took a peek at the HP in max and it looked fine for me.