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realistic old wood for furniture help!

polycounter lvl 4
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cturbo polycounter lvl 4
im trying to achieve realistic wood, antique 15th -17th century, i have tried to create a nice wood but it just looks fake. My teacher said its to do with the roughness maps which create realistic wood, and i wish i knew what he was talking about and wondered if there are any turotials which will get me great results and easy to follow?


  • Klunk
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    Klunk ngon master
    to look authentic for 15-17th century lots of adze marks I guess :/ ?
  • cturbo
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    cturbo polycounter lvl 4
    yes thanks, do you know any good tutorials?
  • pxgeek
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    pxgeek greentooth
    A general web search for 'pbr wood tutorials' should get you some good results.

    What may be infinitely more beneficial is to take some time to study the reference image and try to breakdown some of the details that make it look the way it looks.
    For example here are some observations that jump out at me:
    a. all the edges look quite round (beveled) and have lots a variety and inconsistencies.
    b. there is a lot subtle variation in the color of the wood, but also some shifts in brightness and saturation that can be quite drastic.
    c. there is a ton variety in the pattern of the wood grain
    d. to your teachers point, there is a lot here to observe about the roughness map:
        -you can see where some of the recessed edges have gathered dust.
        -there's noise in the specular highlights
        -there's also roughness variation within the wood grain.

    Hope this points you in the right direction!
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