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Display123 , any thoughts , experience?

sublime tool
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gnoop sublime tool
 My desktop test stripes picture started to show colors  while should be perfectly gray.   So my guess it's time to re-calibrate.   I misplaced my old Color Munki  somewhere    so want to buy a cheap display profiler of same class.   In fact never needed to calibrate anything but sRGB monitor , 2.2 gamma and 6500 k  color temperature having  120 lcm2 brightness.  
  No need for any ambient light measures , wide gamut  or nuke HDR support , custom temperature or gamma.    So  123 looks like a perfect choice feature wise.  And it's  really portable  .  Have not a lot of  space in my suitcase after  laptop and   22' monitor packed in.

Does anyone use it ? Any  troubles with it?  


  • gnoop
    Offline / Send Message
    gnoop sublime tool
    Well , I got one  today from Amazon.    So far the software : "Calibrite Pofiler"  doesn''t even work on my w10 laptop .    I see just a welcome screen  frozen and that's all.         Will see what their support would say.    

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