I have a train that Im texturing. Im using a trim sheet that I will probably vertex paint with another dirtier/worn version of the same trim sheet, but for dirt leaks, Im deciding on using decals or adding in a 2nd UV channel. Any advice here on what would be best?
Also, should I make this train in modular pieces, or does it not matter? It won't be used anywhere else. The only reason I can think to make it into modular pieces, is lightmap reasons.
decals are generally more expensive to render, involve an extra material, can lead to sorting/depth related artefacting and are generally more work to manage.
modular construction makes sense if you need to repeat a lot of relatively dense geometry and no sense at all if you're looking at simple geometry.
if we're talking about an FPS viewpoint, building the main structure of each train car as a unique mesh and decorating it with modular parts (eg railings, wheels etc) is probably a good place to start.