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Brick Wall Material - WIP

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I have been working on a brick wall material in Substance Designer. I'm very new to Designer and this is the first material I'm trying to make by myself without the help of too many online tutorials. I've added an image of the material I've made so far and the reference quality I'm trying to reach. I'd love to get some critique and feedback. Thanks!


  • Shosha
    I'm not sure how to get all the bricks to have a slightly difference color, and also how to get the edges to be more imperfect/broken.
  • Eric Chadwick
    Looking good so far. I like the variation in bricks sizes. What software are you using to create this?

    I'd like to see more height for the bricks, they seem fairly flat.

    Also would be nice to get some chunky variation and cracks in the grout, like in the references.

    The bricks with chunks taken out of them seem to be uncovering an inner material that is grout-colored, but bricks are the same reddish color throughout, so the bottoms of those divots should not be lighter than the outer flat face. See the bricks in your ref at upper right.

    Keep going this is great.
  • Klunk
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    Klunk ngon master
    as above looks a bit flat, and the grout's too smooth also something overall (like some global grunge layer/layers ) would help tie the bricks to the grout and visa versa. Also looks a little washed out/bleached.
  • gnoop
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    gnoop sublime tool
    Try to use slope blur node  to fake  edge erosion and   height/  slope variations  in a copy of bricks generator  to make color variations  .   Or flood fill  node.
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