Hello! I would like to hire you to create a fun & somewhat non-realistic 3D version of myself.
I am an online teacher with different eLearning topics (music instruments etc.)
and I want to use different animations for image & video lessons on my website and other channels.
So, in short, first we need a 3D game character, about 1500 polys I would say. I will
send you concept art, detailed photos of mine, videos & body measurements, my clothing, etc. Everything else would come later on after we have successfully created a base character.
My main problem at the moment is that we'd need to make sure that it should not look too cheesy, not too "cute", and at the same time not too "serious" / realistic.
Second problem from my point of view is the actual poly count. It needs to be
versatile enough for very different animations with different item interactions. Think
"playing the guitar", "driving a bike", "playing a drumset", "walking the dog", etc., also facial expressions
- sebastian