For one of my class assignments, I had to model and texture an antique Schoenner "Dribbler" live steam engine locomotive (
ref 1) (
ref 2). Any thoughts on what I did well, what I can do to improve, etc?
This asset was modeled in Autodesk Maya, and textured and rendered in Substance 3D Painter.

I think the overall shading looks a tad too soft in places and shows some gradients. If you plan to rely on mesh-shading opposed to a baked normal map, I would sufficient amount of geometry, hard edges and weighted normals to properly control it.
Regarding the surfacing, I think the reference shows greater variance: metal going more towards red in places, edge wear, dirt buildup in cavities, paint damage. Artistically it currently looks a bit bland - marks would add story and allow to better convey the scale.
Some basic environment (ground, neutral backdrop) would be nice, to ground the asset and help to communicate the scale as well. If its meant to be an asset for real-time, I would present it in a game engine or real-time renderer.
As UVs are an important aspect, might want to have them critiqued too :-B
Keep it up!