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why are there holes in my mesh in unreal, when i cant see anything wrong with the geometry or uvs?

polycounter lvl 4
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cturbo polycounter lvl 4
can someone please kindly advise, im new to unreal and need help. Why are there holes appearing in my mesh in unreal when i import the low poly? Also, when i imported a model the third player character disppared falling like a glitch?


  • Fabi_G
    Offline / Send Message
    Fabi_G high dynamic range
    Hi! Can you share that mesh? My first guess would be flipped normals. 

    Not quite understand the other issue you describe, character disappearing falling, can you elaborate?
  • cturbo
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    cturbo polycounter lvl 4
    i remodelled and still getting issues and these error codes, if i turn off remove degenerates when i import into unreal is doesnt have holes, but im still getting this error which bugs me

  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    there's something wrong with your model

    given that this is maya the likelihood is high that it's got some sort of orphaned shape node, coincident edges  or other such filth  - give the mesh a thorough cleaning and see what happens. 
  • cturbo
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    cturbo polycounter lvl 4
    thank you i cleaned it up and found when i delte some of the edges which were close together it solved the problem, cause there as no tris in the mesh. If you are using low poly does it not like edges too close together on meshes, like for example when you got two edges close together to tighten a hard edge?
  • cturbo
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    cturbo polycounter lvl 4
    I also keep getting this weird thing happening with unreal when i play in third peron or first person i go to press play and the character falls to infinity!!!????
    you can see the hand of the first person default charcter which comes with unreal project droppping down to no where everytime i press play and i dont know how to get it back to behave normal and run around my scene or why its doing this?? Is it a bug, hopefully there an easy solution cause im stuck with it and its *** annoying!!

  • Fabi_G
    Offline / Send Message
    Fabi_G high dynamic range
    Hard to tell what's wrong based on that one image. Make sure you have a mesh with collision beneath the player and there is no other collision pushing the player through the ground on start. Test-play in a fresh template scene to check whether the issue is related to your level.
  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    there's about 50 reasons you'll fall through the floor - the stupid ones are mostly engine version specific (eg. world partition landscapes on 5.3)

    and in terms of the mesh : 
    Unreal has limited precision on vertex positions (16bit iirc) which means there is a minimum possible distance between verts
    if you have two vertices closer than that distance they become coincident, the edge they make up will have zero length, the triangles that rely on that edge will have zero area and you get degenerate geometry 
  • cturbo
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    cturbo polycounter lvl 4
    thank you guys you really helped me to understand my issues. very interesting toi know about edges i did not know that and suspected it
  • cturbo
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    cturbo polycounter lvl 4
    another question if you want windows on the building, do you create two planes one for inside and outside or do you use a soild mesh rectangle/square for it to be viewed inside and outside, because i did one plane and you can only see the glass on the exterior and not in the interior, and i wondered if you do something to the plane to make it doublesided in unreal?
  • cturbo
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    cturbo polycounter lvl 4
    Also one question can you intersect any mesh at all in unreal? i have to create a floor and celing and i have curves on my building, and i wondered if i can just lay planes down and wont have to match up the edges of the curves as it will be hidden under the wall, or do i have to match it up?
  • okidoki
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    okidoki greentooth
    Ever heard of Z-fighting ?? If two faces with the same normal overlap.. even when using the same color.. So you better ("simply") follow (or respect) the grid.
  • cturbo
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    cturbo polycounter lvl 4
    ok thanks for clarifying i will
  • cturbo
    Offline / Send Message
    cturbo polycounter lvl 4
    I created a night scene with ray tracing last night and saved the file closed it reopended it and the scene isnt lit anymore with the dark sky, is there an option i need to select to turn it back on?
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