Hi everybody. I have a very persistent problem I seem unable to solve. I am working on a model and to save texture space I mirrored some parts. The process I follow in From Blender to Substance is:
Unwrap and straightenmy UVs -> Apply my Mirror modifier -> Offset the position of the mirrored UVs by exactly one UV tile to the right -> export triangulated model to marmoset -> bake normal -> normal map is saved as targa image and imported into substance painter -> I set "normal mixing" to "replace" in Substance P -> add the normal map from Marmoset to the normal slot of a fill layer and set the color space to OpenGl
Few pointers:
I checked for flipped normals and made sure mirrored vertices were welded. I also checked the normals of my high poly.
The seams do not appear in Marmoset but they show very noticeably in Substance.
I bake a 4K map and downsample to 2K in Substance but trying to switch to 4K in substance does not improve the issue.
Only a few parts are mirrored, not the whole model.
The goal was to texture the whole model in a 2K texture to achieve a Texel Density of 1024px/m.
I also checked if the problem could be the green channel of the normal map. since Marmoset and Substance are right-handed and left-handed respectively but It is not that either.
Everything looks fine until I start working in Substance Painter.
The model is triangulated when exported from Blender so it is the same in Marmoset and Substance painter. It seems like in Marmoset the seams are practically invisible but they are very noticeable in substance.
I am baking a 4K normal map and downsampling to 2K. I am trying to keep a texel density of 1024px/m.
Here some screenshots:

Also try using weighted normals if you are not doing it already.
A way to work around this could be to not have mirrored UVs along center line.
Edit: To rule out this isn't an issue with import/application of the externally baked normal map in Painter, you could bake a normal map in Painter to check if it's any different.