sometimes i want a dislike button can we do this or are we still running on feelings? "not hurting the sensitive mentally damaged people."
Can we add a why we dislike it, even if anonymously, like a "valid" reason, you can only dislike if you leave C&C type of situation.
These tags are reserved and cannot be used: dislike - trying to use this tag, i see we already picked a side then?
am i a big bad meanie or something? polycount was posting penis tanks and all of that a few years ago, wtf, lol aren't you the creators of the 1st meme's what happen...
You where the chosen one anakin!
If you don’t like something, you’re always free to simply ignore it and move on. Or better yet, give some constructive criticism how it could be made better.
There was plenty of hand-wringing over just adding the “like” button, when it was added back in 2016, plus debate about a “dislike” option.
We could call it gold tooth, it'd be like reddit gold but for all the people over in
or what about giftable loot boxes containing senior artist advice
"Ah dang, I got the boolean bevel advice again! I got this one 7 times already, and I'm not even doing hard surface! Well, guess I need to buy more greentooth tokens. My pity roll should be in the next 3-5 I think..."
erhm, you wanted to hear from them: