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Why are we conforming to a non-dislike button scenario?

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iam717 greentooth
sometimes i want a dislike button can we do this or are we still running on feelings?  "not hurting the sensitive mentally damaged people."

Can we add a why we dislike it, even if anonymously, like a "valid" reason, you can only dislike if you leave C&C type of situation.

These tags are reserved and cannot be used: dislike - trying to use this tag, i see we already picked a side then?
am i a big bad meanie or something?  polycount was posting penis tanks and all of that a few years ago, wtf, lol aren't you the creators of the 1st meme's what happen... You where the chosen one anakin!


  • Eric Chadwick
    Because dislike buttons are for assholes. :D

    If you don’t like something, you’re always free to simply ignore it and move on. Or better yet, give some constructive criticism how it could be made better.

    There was plenty of hand-wringing over just adding the “like” button, when it was added back in 2016, plus debate about a “dislike” option. https://polycount.com/discussion/175618/reaction-buttons-added-insightful-awesome
  • RaptorCWS
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    RaptorCWS polycounter lvl 12
    On an art forum if you dislike something its better to just type it and say why you dislike it. That is more helpful for feedback than just saying you don't like it. While the greentooth reaction adds a "like" to the post it also cuts down on the number of quote replies that just say I agree. No ones feelings are really relevant in this situation.
  • Rima
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    Rima interpolator
    iam717 said:
    sometimes i want a dislike button can we do this or are we still running on feelings?  "not hurting the sensitive mentally damaged people."

    "The sensitive mentally damaged people"? Are you about to start complaining about "snowflakes" too?

    What would even be the point of adding it? This isn't Reddit. It's a forum. The visibility of posts has nothing to do with how many likes or dislikes it has. If you dislike something, you can just ignore it, rebuke it, or let it be buried by the new replies that come on top of it.
  • zetheros
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    zetheros sublime tool
    imagine how much money polycount could make if 1 like = 1$

    We could call it gold tooth, it'd be like reddit gold but for all the people over in https://polycount.com/discussion/235912/star-wars-outlaws-character-design-was-the-least-of-this-games-problems#latest

    or what about giftable loot boxes containing senior artist advice

    "Ah dang, I got the boolean bevel advice again! I got this one 7 times already, and I'm not even doing hard surface! Well, guess I need to buy more greentooth tokens. My pity roll should be in the next 3-5 I think..."

  • iam717
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    iam717 greentooth
    zetheros, loot boxing incentivized C&C, dang, hmmm i might be into it if i was more well off.  The pity roll i see wouldn't be helpful.
    Rima said:
    This isn't Reddit. It's a forum. The visibility of posts has nothing to do with how many likes or dislikes it has. If you dislike something, you can just ignore it, rebuke it, or let it be buried by the new replies that come on top of it.
    I don't reddit, ever so idk how reddit's functions.
    RaptorCWS said:
    On an art forum if you dislike something its better to just type it and say why you dislike it. That is more helpful for feedback than just saying you don't like it. While the greentooth reaction adds a "like" to the post it also cuts down on the number of quote replies that just say I agree. No ones feelings are really relevant in this situation.
    erhm, you wanted to hear from them:
    Would like to hear from the "Don't Like" crowd, and anyone not voting. Do you feel it could dilute the forum? Discourages crits?

    Personally I am all for anything that promotes crits. These buttons could be a distraction away from meaningful feedback. But  there's the upside of people seeing positive reactions to their posts.
    Yes, it would be discouraging for the "softer skinned" posters, but mastering their goal would be better than ignoring posts...
    I tried my best over the years to encourage countless people on so many forums and sure they forgot or moved on and it didn't really "pay off", afaik so i can see why some people do not even put forth the effort much anymore.   zetheros might be onto something, i guess once you get good, you have to be "encouraged to engage", with the up and coming.  Or just tell them to use Aye.eye.. the new "C&c". i guess

    The main form post above was to incentivize c&c if even a little bit, any activity is better than no activity which was the main idea, yeah it might be "discouraging", but engagement isn't very rampant as of late.  
    (time into more important things than, peoples "art" posts looking for validations that they are on the right track.)

    Which in its self is discouraging, double edge sword i guess & yes tons of videos out there in the wild, both free and paid, i think the "communities" are stretched thin with people starting their own sites possibly for revenue not that i want to lump everyone into one site as we can see the issues there easily enough.  
    Site feels empty is another side of the post, viewing the WAYWOT seeing the same names posting kind of shows it.
    Thanks for the replies, its important i think.

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