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Advanced Skeleton control rig into UE5 question!

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Chelle21 node

I Need help!

I am trying to export my advanced skeleton control rig into UE5. Every time I import the control rig into UE, it makes the eyeballs off center and rotated on my skeletal mesh. I’m not sure if this is an Unreal issue or a Advanced Skelton issue, but I would love to know how to fix it! Thank you.

picture of issue below:


  • Alex_J
    Offline / Send Message
    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    the eyes offset is most easily fixed by unbinding, removing the bind pose, and rebinding them. Since they 100% weight to a single joint this is an easy fix.
    if during the setup of the fit skeleton it complains about joints not being zeroed out this can also be the issue, if you ignored that.
    One time I had a similar issue and the only fix I could find was just to delete the problem joints and rebuild the fitskeleton. This is why saving out versions of the rig file comes in handy, as well as saving your skin weights. That way you don't need to do lengthy troubleshooting, just nuke the problem and reset within a few minutes.

    The offset rotation points to import/export discrepancies. Advanced skeleton is smart enough to usually handle this without issue, so the most likely issue is a user introduced change somewhere. To check whether or not this is true, you can grab one of the demo rigs and try bringing it into a clean unreal project. If it imports correctly, then you have a working example to compare against your problem rig. 

    The quickest way to troubleshoot a problem like this is to divide the problem space in half and test just one half completely at a time. So first go through all the export options from maya and see if that solves the issue.  If not, then go through all of the import settings in unreal.

    Also check mayas preferences for how you set the scene orientation, if for example you set it to z up but then AS is also applying an offset automatically, you could end up with something unexpected like this. On both maya side and unreal side there are options to apply transformation (e.g. rotation) changes on export/import. Make sure you didn't do anything there - you shouldn't need to - unless AS explicitly tells you to do something, its usually safe to assume that AS is going to take care of those things for you.

    Here's how you can reset bind pose if you need to: 

  • Chelle21
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    Chelle21 node
    Amazing, thank you so much! I will try this out!
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