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Need feedback design power abilities - Student

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My name is Thomas and I am currently student.
I need feedback from a professional to get a sufficient grade, I also would love to learn more about this topic.

I have to design 3 power abilities (think about abilities from LoL) and animate them on a character. At the moment I have done research on good power abilities and designed my own. Here is the backstory of the character and the abilities I designed for.

Backstory character:
This character is an old small lumberjack, he also likes to throw boomerangs in the forest. With his skill in boomerangs he can also throw with his axe as a boomerang. He lives alone in the forest next to a big city.

These are the abilities:
Ability 1: Cleave with the axe Deals AoE damage in front of the character
Ability 2: Boomerang with his axe, deals AoE damage and acts like a boomerang.
Ability 3: Throws a log to a area that does 3x3 damage, Boost movement speed.

I tried to design abilites that fit the character and are easily shown by the characters model. (I can make the model with a axe and logs attached to the character) And tried to have them work together. For example it has a melee ability so ability 3 will boost movement speed to make ability 1 stronger/easier to use.

My question:
I would love to know more about the usual workflow of creating a character with abilites. With what would/do you start with. And would love some feedback on the backstory/abilities how I can improve them.

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