Hi all,
Just here to show off what I have been making during my summer break. To be clear I think both SpeedTree and TreeIt are excellent pieces of work but there is a lot to take in at first glance. I wanted to create my own Tree Generator that you can jump right into and use right away. I took the super lightweight approach with this one. This is what I came up with I hope other developers/artists find a use for it just like I did

https://youtu.be/rrMMPCxBWJQ?si=kFM3H1enOW23TPY8Has the following features:
- Built-in UV Editor
- Drag&Drop Branch Creation/Extension
- Foliage Generator
- FBX Exporter with LOD Parameters
- Vertex Normal Editor for Foliage
also has a Leaf/Foliage Texture Atlas if that's the primary thing you're looking to do (Drag & Drop as well)

I have a vertex normal editor that's used to manipulate leaf cards for better lighting. It would definitely be possible to add complete tree animation as well. Foliage is currently animated with a vertex displacement shader alone. (Also provided with the program)