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Blendshapes/Shape keys/Morphtargets etc. (Especially regarding the facial ones).

polycounter lvl 8
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Hellgnome polycounter lvl 8
Hello you goody people, I need your help.

I thought I knew something about blend shapes, but it seams that it is mostly the word/name, and a tiny tad of what it does, that I know a little about.
So basically, I have no idea how it really works neither what is happening deep down under.
And that is giving me some problems.

So here goes:

Let us say, that I have captured some facial motion-capture information (In Rokoko), and now I want to transfer that info to a 3d face that I made in Maya.

My model dose not have a facial rig, nor does it have any blend shapes.

My face is more realistic, and has a higher -Polycount- (He said the name of the thing, give him some bonus points please) than the face, that the motion capture is put on to, in Rokoko.
(It is on some standard dude inside rokoko : See the image I attached).

My main question is:
Is it possible to put that info onto a non rigged face? 
Like bake it over somehow, transfer the per vertices info onto a face, with a totally different topology and vertex count etc. 
As far as I know, then NO!!! f... way! That would be like putting someone's facial skin, onto someone else skull, and then expect the person to look like the one, that the skin comes from.
Or like putting the facial skin into the knee, and then expecting it to still act, move and behave like a normal face...
Sorry, I am derailing....

So I am guessing that I need a rig for my face, so:

Follow up questions:
If I rigged my face in maya (With something like Advanced Skeleton Tool / Addon), do I then also need to manually make the 52 standard facial blend shapes, name each shape key correctly (The same name as the shape keys created in Rokoko) before I can put the Motion capture onto my model?

Is there really no way, to auto generate those 52 standard blendshapes, as long as the face has a rig?

Kim Mortniski out!


  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    if you are using advanced skeleton it has tools for transferring motion capture to the face rig

    the way that it works is it has a bunch of premade blendshapes or joint poses (either or both, you can choose the rig setup) for various facial expressions. Then when you record the video it matches the video to closest combination of premade poses/blendshapes provided by the rig.
  • Hellgnome
    Offline / Send Message
    Hellgnome polycounter lvl 8
    Alex_J said:
    if you are using advanced skeleton it has tools for transferring motion capture to the face rig

    the way that it works is it has a bunch of premade blendshapes or joint poses (either or both, you can choose the rig setup) for various facial expressions. Then when you record the video it matches the video to closest combination of premade poses/blendshapes provided by the rig.
    I am actually just learning about advanced skeleton, and got as far, as to rigging the body.
    And I know it has features for rigging the face too, but I had no idea, that it could use mocap info too.

    So what you just write is music to my ears. 
    Gonna dive into that asap. 

    Thank you so much.
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