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[Substance Designer] Connect multiple outputs at once

polycounter lvl 12
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daniellooartist polycounter lvl 12
Real quick, I want to know how to do something simple that most users already know how to do so this won't take long. how do I connect multiple outputs from one node to the inputs of another node. I did it before but I forgot. You must hold down a hotkey or something while left clicking and dragging, but everything I tried does not work. I know this is common so it should not take long to answer. Thanks in advance


  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    press 2  to go into group mode
    press 3 to go into material mode
    press 1 to go into normal mode
  • gnoop
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    gnoop sublime tool
      Keep in mind that even slightest mistake in input /output names or properties  and in material mode (3)  Designer  would never show you  something is actually unconnected .   I never use it personally . Still can't memorize  all the rules.   
      In group node  it's a mess of lines  you can easily  break accidentally.        A reason I did my one  material blend nodes where all grayscale channels are combined into one specular RGBA . 
  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    it's not complicated at all, particularly now that we have automatic input and output creation. 
    stick to standard naming for channels, be consistent with your grouping and you'll never have any problems. 

    our library has thousands of custom nodes in it and I dont think i've ever heard one of the material artists complain about the grouping functionality
  • gnoop
    Offline / Send Message
    gnoop sublime tool
    poopipe said:
    it's not complicated at all, particularly now that we have automatic input and output creation. 
    stick to standard naming for channels, be consistent with your grouping and you'll never have any problems. 

    our library has thousands of custom nodes in it and I dont think i've ever heard one of the material artists complain about the grouping functionality
    I have my custom  split texture node.  like splitting one master file 2x2k     into several vertical stripes  like 256x2k  or 64x2k   etc. that does pixel precise splitting .   It requires a special  sizelog   integer2  connection  from master image node to  splitting nodes  that tells the splitting node  the initial  size of the master one.       I tried everything : same naming , same group , same Material group. Noting makes it  connecting automatically . Gave up already.   Sure I am missing something.

  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    im curious now - if you can show some grabs of the graph I'd like to test it 

  • gnoop
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    gnoop sublime tool
    I fixed it somehow today. Not even sure how . Switched to green float  numbers lines ,  added "any"  integration attribute, something else I already forgot what and suddenly  it all works in material (3) mode .  Sorry, have to skip too many written   approval hoops   to share something from actual production. .
  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    thats good news - probably just hit a borked version when you last looked at it ,  its not like there's been a shortage of those is it :D
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