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[Finished] Warstone Lane Cemetery Chapel 3D Art

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Good day, everyone!
Recently finished my environment project, this work was very special to me, because I tried to recreate the church that was long gone. It's Warstone Lane Cemetery Chapel in Birmingham, UK and it was destroyed during World War II. Fortunately, there are some pictures and photos from the time it was still there. So I based my work on that.  And I made a bunch of photos myself for refrences, such as: graves, stone fence, floor tile etc.
For these scene in Unreal Engine I wanted to make everything I can by myself. The church itself was created using a modular approach and a lot of techniques in UE5 to hide repetition were used. I only used megascans textures for the trees (trunks and leaves) and grass texture, other textures were made in Substance Designer by me.

I learned so much from this project, almost every technique was new to me!
Thank you for stopping by and let me know what you think!
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