I'm a newbie in Substance Designer. Recently, I've been fascinated with modeling in Substance Designer. Cem Tezcan and Lee Borrer's works are two of my favorite SD creators.
I'd like to know, what are the advantages of using SD for modeling? Especially regarding Unreal Engine game performance. I really want to dive into the SD learning journey, particularly the modeling part.
The model graph is deprecated co you can't manipulate meshes at all.
If you're talking about generating displacement maps and deforming geometry then I guess it's useful in the same way that it is in any other tool.
It's an image processing and compositing tool, best to treat it as such
According to your suggestion, I think I'll focus on Houdini procedural modelling not on substance designer although it's fun for me.
Designer's model graph was never finished and had some pretty severe weaknesses that prevented it from ever being worth using.
Houdini is fine provided you can deal with houdini - I'm not a big fan but it is by far the most powerful option.
For anything where it's viable I'd rather just write the code to build whatever I'm making from scratch tbh