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3D Environment & Prop Artist

polycounter lvl 4
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rahuladvani94 polycounter lvl 4

About Me

I’m a 3D Environment and Prop Artist with extensive experience in modeling and texturing, specializing in creating high-quality, game-ready assets. My work focuses on delivering detailed and optimized environments and props that enhance the visual experience in games.

Key Skills

  • 3D Modeling & Texturing: Specializing in detailed models for environments and props, with a strong focus on precision and quality.
  • Texturing in Substance Painter: Proficient in using Substance Painter to create realistic textures that add depth and authenticity to game assets.
  • Material Creation in Unreal Engine: Skilled in using Unreal Engine to create complex materials and surface details, enhancing the visual appeal and realism of assets.
  • Optimization: Focused on balancing visual quality with performance, ensuring assets run efficiently on targeted hardware.
  • Modular Design: Experienced in creating modular assets for streamlined level design.


Looking forward to contributing to your project!

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